Thrommel's Green Overview


Many years ago, a demonic cult, in league with giants and fiends from the underworld made a terrible bastion of evil. From it they attempted to rend the doors between the planes. The temple was overthrown by clerics of the order of retribution, a council of brave wizards, and an army of elves and men. But over time in festered, the evil rose up from that place several times even after it was mystically sealed. This is not the story of that terrible place. Just of a man whose life was ruined by it.

When the dark forces of that temple returned for the first time, a heroic prince heeded the early stirrings and investigated it, only to be captured by the forces of darkness and sealed in a magical tomb for fifteen years before he was discovered in his prison and set free. After that, the prince spent a few years dutifully fighting the forces of that terrible place and their allies, but, all he really wanted was sunliht and fresh air.

When it seemed as if the danger was passed, he headed for a warm, bright, empty land far from the Temple of Evil. As soon as he drove out the goblin tribes that occasionally passed through. He built a small keep, and invited Men and Halflings to help him grow his steading into a green, idyllic village. He spent his old age tending his sprawling lawns and gardens.

The prince is now long dead, and buied in an above-ground tomb with a crystal roof facing the sun, with his legendary magic sword with him. The lands have passed to one noble family and then another. And while it has had troubles with goblins and giants in the generations past, it has always managed to survive thanks to a mix of its Lord's knights, and locally-raised adventurers.

In memory of the gardener-prince they call it Thrommel's Green.

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