Sunday, February 4, 2024

Thrommel's Green Location E: The Manor

 This large estate is the current home of Graf Helm of Thrommel's Green. The previous Graf, Lord Lhorik, lives in a small cottage off of the garden, where he spends the days where he is well enough to be outside.

Under the Lhorik's rule, the town was constantly courting trade guilds and foreign merchants in hopes of creating an economy built primarily on trade, road taxes, and warehousing. These never panned out as well as the town would have liked. The Graf was quite good at schmoozing, but a poor leader in terms of economics, and totally uninterested in his role as the protector of the town.

Lhorik's daughter died young, and left Lhorik without and heir. He passed the land down to his captain of the guard and most trusted retainer, Sir Helm.

Graf Helm (L human fighter-7): AC: 1 [18] (+1 plate and shield); HD: 7+14 (51hp), Att: magic sword (+2 to hit, 1d8+2), ThAC0:14 [+5], MV: 60’ (20’), SV D8 W9 P10 B10 S12, ML: 10, AL: Lawful, XP: 400; NA 1, TT: -; Str 15 Int 9 Wis 10 Dex 10 Con 16 Cha 13

  •  Gear: +1 plate (grants infravision 120'), shield, +1 longsword (grants resistance to fire), heavy crossbow, bolt case, 19 bolts, horn, signet ring, silver circlet (100gp), 

Graf Helm is a jocular, cheerful, and loves games of cards and chance. He is quick to try to draw talented warriors into his service, offering them station and jobs to keep them in his charge. He works hard to elevate his men, giving accolades, knighthood, and land over time as rewards for service.

He doesn't like magic, and is quick to get Abus (see the Hatted Tower) to interview and assess magicians in town for potential threat. 

Under Graf Helm, the town has moved in a more traditional direction, with many of the men-at-arms being elevated to knightly status whenever possible. The town has seen a boom in old fashioned tournaments and archery contests. However, trade and industry has waiting under sir helm, and the town simply hasn't grown in a few generations.

In an emergency, the Graf can put out a call to arms and 2d4+1 landed knights (called "Knights of the Green") will come to the town's aid within 1d3 hours, all of them locals who were trained by Helm

Knight of the Green (L human fighter-3): AC: 2 [17] (plate and shield); HD: 3+3* (17hp), Att: longsword (+1 to hit, 1d8+1), ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 60’ (20’), SV D13 W14 P13 B15 S16, ML: 9, AL: Lawful, XP: 50; NA 1, TT: L,Q,S,T; Str 15 Int 10 Wis 11 Dex 9 Con 15 Cha 12

  • Gear: plate mail, shield, longsword, longbow, 20 arrows, quiver, horn, light warhorse, military saddle, chain boarding, saddle blanket

The interior of the manor is lavish, and feels like a museum too the various trade endeavours of Lhorik. It is also brimming with trophies from both the old graphs hunts and Graf Helm's monster slaying expeditions.

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 Redid everything to match the conventions of OSE-A