Sunday, February 4, 2024

Thrommel's Green Location F: The Smithy

The town's Smithy is a little outdated in terms of its equipment and the techniques used. It's resident blacksmith is a handsome and friendly middle-aged man named Haley Smythe. He was Rivia's first lover and might know something about her. Otherwise, he is perfectly capable of repairing damage equipment.

The locals rarely have much call for arms and armor, but there are a handful of short swords, and shields for sale, and an old suit of plate mail in one corner that was brought in by an adventurer years ago for repair, but the owner died before returning for it. It is for sale.

Haley Smyth (L human fighter-4): AC: 7 [12] (leather armor); HD: 4+4* (20hp), Att: hammer (+1 to hit, 1d6+1), ThAC0:17 [+2], MV: 120’ (40’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14, ML: 7, AL: Lawful, XP: 50; NA 1, TT: -; Str 16 Int 11 Wis 11 Dex 12 Con 14 Cha 13

An idealized and younger clone of Haley based on Rivia's memory of him can be found in the Pit of Fever Dreams. Bringing him back to town will be a bit of a confusing time for the real Haley and his family, but he will happily arm his clone with the best gear available.

The real Haley married Rivia's cousin Marnie, who spends much of her day working in the allotment in front of the smithy or baking meat pies and home-brewing beer in the shack behind it.

The local craftsmen hang out in the smithy to chat and gossip at lunchtime, and pay for their food and drink there rather than at the Answering Sword.

Haley's son, Armin, is currently a journeyman smith and often sends letters with news from abroad. Between what the letters say and the gossiping of the craftsmen, PCs can get more rumors here than at the Answering Sword for the price of beer and a meat pie.

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Note to Self

 Redid everything to match the conventions of OSE-A