Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Room 21: Deep Structures

 This room has a section of the floor in checker-board tiles. A statue of a beautiful woman stands in the centre sitting in a chair and looking haggard as a statue of an older woman sands by with a washcloth, and brandy bottle tucker over one arm, and a bowl in the other. Other statues of men, women, and even a devil line the walls, some of them broken and crumbling. The whole room is overgrown with dense creepers and moss, and smells of wet decaying plant matter so strongly it overwhelms the stench of the hall to the South.

PCs who have encountered Rivia's real family in Thrommel's green or the Mock-Mother in Area 8 will recognize the older woman as being a younger (and perfectly human) version of that person. They will recognize Rivia's face if they have visited Area 19)

These statues animate to mime the things Rivia is thinking of or wanting. When the PCs first visit, and generally so long as she is in her sick-bed, all she wants is her mother to take care of her, and that focus has caused statues representing other desires, wants, and people have fallen into decay.

The vines will writhe, rattle, and respond to the PCs, but generally are not a threat (although you can make them paranoid.)

If the PCs have done serious damage or tampered with the Angry or Frightened masks, there is a 2-in-6 chance that three of the statues (her mother, father, and a former adventuring companion) will animate and bar the PCs away as Living Statues.

Marble Livng Statues (3): AC: 2 [17], HD: 4+4, Att: 2x fists (1d8+1); ThAC0: 15 [+4]; MV 60’ (20’), SV: D 10 W 11 P12 B 13 S 14; ML 12; AL Lawful; XP 400, NA 1d3, TT: -  

  • Half damage from fire, cold, or electricity, and 1/4 damage from edged weapons.
  • It is instantly destroyed by stone shape, dig, stone to flesh, or transmute rock to mud spells without saving throw,

Living Statues are immune to ranged attacks, take half damage from fire, cold, or electricity, and 1/4 damage from edged weapons. It is instantly destroyed by stone shape, dig, stone to flesh, or transmute rock to mud spells without saving throw,

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Note to Self

 Redid everything to match the conventions of OSE-A