Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Room 20: The Midden

 The deep floor here is pooled with foul sludge thick with the scent of waste and blood. In the centre there is a heap of decaying flesh, bone, and rotting plant matter. A stone step leads down into the muck. The walls here are caked in fungus that almost totally obscures frescoes of feminine faces with unpleasant expressions, ringed by runes, that cover the walls and ceilings.

This is a room that represents the things Rivia wants to say, but knows better than to actually escape. The myriad frescoes of her face are ringed with  phrases like: "Well, you are disappointingly small," "I've seen harlots in the exact same outfit in the city," "No wonder father spends all day in the shed... he's out of earshot of you," and "Once I was trapped in a dungeon and forced to eat moss and fungus for days... and it tasted better than this stew"

Actually wading into the sludge the covers all but the first 10' x 5' square of the entrance requires a Save vs. Poison each round, of exposure or the character will contract a disease that will leave them bedridden for 1d4 weeks, after which they must make a second save or die.

Any carcass or corpse left in the dungeon will be collected by The Gongfarmer (See Area 19) and tossed onto the pile here the next morning, with their gear and treasure donated to the Smithy and Cathedral, respectively.

If the PCs fish around in the midden long enough they can find:

  • 336 cp
  • 1,320 ep
  • 648 gp

but finding it will take an hour and require a Save vs. Death at -2 or become diseased.

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Note to Self

 Redid everything to match the conventions of OSE-A