Monday, January 22, 2024

Room 19: The Gallery of Affect

 A dozen stone masks line the far wall of this elongated room, each showing the same attractive female face in a different mood. From left to right they are: calm, happy, sad, angry, weary, curious, wary, flirtatious, determined, frightened, disgusted, and smug. There is a small vanity in the left-hand corner.

This room is the nest of a carcass crawler. The creature rests on the ceiling here, and forages for food in the Midden across the hall.

Carcass Crawler (1): AC 7 [12], HD 3+1* (14hp), Att 8 × tentacle (paralysis), THAC0 16 [+3], MV
120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 9, AL Neutral, XP 75, NA 1d3 (1d3), TT 

  • Paralysis: A hit by a tentacle causes paralysis for 2d4 turns (save versus paralysis). Paralysed victims will be devoured, if the crawler is left in peace.
  • Cling: Can walk on walls and ceilings.

The Masks

The Gallery of Affect is a chamber that reflects the moods that Rivia cultivates and expresses most often. They are the literal masks that she wears. If someone touches one of the masks, it fills the whole dungeon with a vibration that spreads that mood, either for 24 hours, until the mask is removed from the wall, or another mask is touched.

If a PC puts on the mask, it immediately creates a change self effect that makes them appear to be Rivia, but with their face and tone of voice stuck matching the mood of the mask. They also constantly fill the wearers thoughts with feelings appropriate to that mask, usually with some benefits or drawbacks. The mask will fuse with the PCs face and not come off for 24 hours.

Calm: If activated will fill cause the temperature in the dungeon to drop a bit, the ambient rumble becomes much softer, and a sharp incense-like scent fills the area. All creatures in the dungeon have +1 to morale, and all NPC reaction rolls are adjust by +2 or -2 towards 7.

If worn, a character gains a +2 to Saves vs. Spells related to mind control or fear effects, but always acts last on every round.

Happy: If activated, the dungeon will become slightly warmer, and the tone of the ambient noise will develop bright harmonics. All reaction rolls and charisma checks are at +2.

If worn a character becomes immune to fear, but must Save vs. Spells or be affected by a Hideous Laughter spell for 1d4 rounds at the beginning of every combat.

Angry: While this mask is activated, the dungeon becomes stiflingly hot, with an iron tang on the air. All NPC reaction checks are at -3, as creatures in the dungeon become aggressive. Brawls will break out in the bar and commons on the 1st floor, and the dungeon will rumble with the sound of battles far below. All monster Morales are at +2.

If worn, the wearer has +2 to attack and damage rolls, but must Save vs. Spells not to attack non-humanoid monsters on first sight.  They are at -2 to NPC reaction rolls with humanoid monsters. The wearer is immune to fear effects.

Weary: While this mask is activated, the dungeon becomes eerily silent, and the air thick, heavy, and warm. Monsters in the dungeon are surprised on a 1-3, and there is a 2 in 6 chance they will be sleeping when the PC enters their lair. If a wandering monster is rolled, ignore any results that are not undead. Monsters are at -1 to attack rolls and saving throws.

If worn the PC becomes extremely tired, and is at -2 to attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws. They must succeed a Save vs. Death at -2 to cast magic-user spells.

Curious: While this mask is activated strange sounds echo through the dungeon at random intervals, and faint lights can be spotted around corners only to disappear. The PCs gain a +1 bonus to their chance to find secret doors, concealed items, etc. All creatures are surprised only on a 1, and wandering monsters occur on a 1 or 2 on the d6 roll.

If worn, this mask grants a PC the ability to detect secret doors and concealed items like an elf, or if they are an elf, improves their chances to find secrets by +1. They are surprised only by a 1. They have +10% to their chance to learn spells. They must Save vs. Spells not to open a door, chest, or container they see, or to sneak past a monster rather than attempting to communicate with it.

Wary: An ominous tone is added to the dungeon's ambient noise when this mask is activated. And the temperature drops sharply. Creatures are immune to surprise and NPC reaction rolls are at -1. However, no wandering monsters will occur while it is activated.

If worn, the party cannot be surprised, and the wearer is at +2 to saves vs. traps. Thieves gain a +20% bonus to find traps. However they are at a -2 to Saves vs. Fear effects, and are at -1 to attack rolls and damage thanks to becoming overcautious in combat.

Flirtatious: If activated, a sweet musky scent will fill the dungeon, and it will become very warm. Humanoid monsters will be at +2 to reaction rolls, while non-humanoid monsters are at -2. Undead are not affected. All creatures in the dungeon are at -2 to resist charm effects.

A PC wearing this mask gains a +2 bonus to all charisma checks when dealing with humanoid males, but are at -2 to Saves vs. Spells for charm effects

Determined: If activated, the dungeon's ambient noise will become louder, and strong gusts will slam open doors shut. All doors will become stuck, and the chance of a PC triggering a trap becomes 3 in 6. Monsters gain +2 to Morale.

If worn, the wearer gains +2 to saves vs. fear or mind control. Their spells cannot be disrupted due to damage. However, they must make a Save vs. Paralysis to retreat from combat.

Frightened: If activated, the dungeon becomes nearly freezing cold, and howling winds slam all doors shut in the dungeon. Monsters are at -2 to Morale, and if a wandering monster is rolled that is not mindless, ignore it. However, all creatures, including the PCs in the dungeon are at -2 to AC.

If worn by a PC, they are at -2 to attacks, damage, and saving throws, and must Save vs. Paralysis not to retreat from combat on the first round. They are cannot be surprised, however.

Disgusted: When this is activated, a vile odour will fill the dungeon, and the humidity will rise, causing the walls to drip with condensation. No living creature with a sense of smell in the dungeon make act for the first turn. Creatures will be surprised on a 1-3 on a d6. Everything in the dungeon will suffer a -2 penalty to Saves vs. Poison.

If worn by a PC, it will impose a -2 on Saves vs. Poison, Death, or Paralysis, but grant a +4 on saves vs. Spells or Dragon breath. Turn Undead attempts gain a +1.

Smug: When this mask is activated all traps reset, all locks re-lock, and all spells and attacks in the dungeon do maximum damage. All NPC reaction rolls are at -1.

If worn by a PC, it allows them to do maximum damage from attacks and spells, but they are at -2 to Charisma checks and NPC Reaction rolls. They are immune to charm effects.

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Note to Self

 Redid everything to match the conventions of OSE-A