Sunday, January 21, 2024

Room 18: The Branching Corridor

 This corridor reeks of blood and waste, and has occasional splatters of filth along the floor. Where it turns at a right angle to go North, there is a door on the South wall that is smeared with filth. The stench from the Northern arm of the corridor is almost overwhelming, especially near the archway on the West wall.

The door on the Southern corridor is a False Door, if PCs open it, they will find themselves looking out on the Astral Plane.  Sometimes things Rivia imagines in and out of existence enter and exit reality through these doors.

This door is where the Gongfarmer manifests with his goat cart and stinky goat minion.

When Rivia was a girl, she was terrified of Abe, the local gongfarmer and rag-and-bone man. He walked the streets at dawn with his goat cart collecting the contents of all the chamber pots and scrap-bins, along with litter found around the town to cart off to the midden. The real Abe was a clever man who wore a heavy cloak and Ragged outfit during his work that he would wash and smoke every day after work, before bathing daily. He separated fats from the table-scraps he was given to keep himself supplied with soap, and sold lost items like scraps, buttons, pins, rags, etc. from a bin by his house.

In spite of being one of thee kindest and cleverest men in the village, the foul creature draped in stinking rags has haunted Rivia's nightmares since she was a girl, and has now fully manifest as an undead creature that roams the dungeon. Every day, it emerges from the false door and wanders with its goat cart, collecting filth, lost treasure,  and corpses from the dungeon's upper floors, and deposits them in the midden (Area 19). The Gongfarmer searches every body it discovers and donates equipment to the Smithy and treasure to the Cathedral.

The Gongfarmer: AC: 6 [13], HD: 7 (42 hp), Att: 2x claws (1d8 + disease); ThAC0: 13 [+6]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 8 W 9 P10 B 10 S 12; ML 12; AL Neutral; XP 2,050, NA 1, TT: - 

The Gongfarmer has an aura of fear, any creature seeing it must Save vs. Spells or be at -2 to attack rolls and saving throws until they have been away from him for at least 1 turn. The first time a creature gets within 10ft. of The Gongfarmer, they must Save vs. Poison or be incapacitated by wretching for 1d4 rounds. Anything clawed by the Gongfarmer must Save vs. Poison or be infected with a disease, they will be bedridden for 1d4 weeks, after which they have a 1 on 6 chance of dying. The Gongfarmer is undead and is turned as a vampire.

The Stinky Goat (1): AC: 8 [12], HD: 4** (21 hp), Att: gore (1d6); ThAC0: 16 [+3]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 10 W 11 P12 B 13 S 14; ML 9; AL Neutral; XP 175, NA 1, TT: -

The stinky goat is monstrous, filthy goat with bells hung from it's many horns. Creatures within 10ft. of it must Save vs.  Poison or be incapacitated due to wretching for 1d4 rounds. The goat can also let out a terrifying scream that works like the Fear spell. Once it has screamed it must wait 1d6 turns before it may do so again. 

The Gongfarmer has special mastery over false doors, and can connect any two false doors so that one open into another providing instant transport across the dungeon. If the PCs help him with his work, note it using the point system below:

  • Carrying a chamber pot to the midden: 1 point
  • Throwing a corpse into the midden: 15 points
  • Donating gold to the Cathedral  1 point per 10gp
  • Donating gear to the smithy: 1 point per 50gp value
  • Killing slides, Carrion crawlers, otyughs, or fungus monsters: 5 points per Hiit Die

Once they reach 100 points  he will approach the party and offer to teach a magic user how to use the false doors;

The Gongfarmer will always thank the PCs for doing any of these tasks if he meets them in passing, and may offer them a foul-smelling reward of a trinket such as a lone caltrop, lost marble, discarded key, old lockpick, or signal whistle. This reward isnever worth more than 1gp.

Open False Door
3rd Level Magic-User / Illusionist spell
Range: special
Two False Doors
Duration: 1 turn

The caster must touch a False Door somewhere in the Pit of Fever Dreams or a similar demiplane. The spell instantly connects the two doors so that you can enter one and instantly exit the other, no matter hw far apart on the same demiplane they are. The caster must have opened that false door onto the Astral Plan once before. The doors remain connected for 1 turn, during which creatures that emerge from either of the doors cannot manifest. Once that time is done the doors slam shut and once again open to the Astral Plane.

The Material component to this spell is a lost key collected and blessed by a gongfarmer, trash, collector, or rag-and-bone seller (any person of these professions will do.) It is not consumed during the casting.

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Note to Self

 Redid everything to match the conventions of OSE-A