Saturday, January 20, 2024

Room 17: The Cathedral

The ornate door opens into a bright chamber lit by dozens of candles, To your right is a holy water font, to your left is a marble altar with a pair of golden reliquaries accompanied by lit tapers. Windows along the walls and silk banners seem to tell the tale of a lion-like entity punishing evildoers and arming heroes.

Beyond several rows of pews is a large altar with tapers and a golden cup before a marble starue of a lion. A massive stone arm erupts from the tiled floor and reaches tp the ceiling.

 Dedicated to Lansal, the Judging Angel, a deity of heroism, salvation, and courage the Cathedral imitates part of the temple in Thrommel's Green.  The imagery is jumbled, however,  and includes scenes and characters from Rivia's adventures. 

The stone hand, like the ones in the entrance hall is a manifestation of Rivia's reaching for help. It radiates an air of sorrow. The Beadle (Area 9) has taken to using it as a whipping post.

The Cathedral is attended by a mockery of the old priest who attended the temple when Rivia was there. He was overly fond of drink and listening to lascivious confessions,  but his biggest fault was a love of creature comforts purchased with the fines that he, the Beadle, and a local burgomaster would collect at any excuse.

Mock-Priest (1): AC: 5 [14], HD: 3+1 (20 hp), Att: mace (1d8) and bite (1d4); ThAC0: 16 [+3]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 7; AL Chaotic; XP 65, NA 1, TT: PQ  

  • Command Unndead
  • Spells: bless, command, cure light wounds, cause fear

If the PCs have offended the mockeries or been caught lurking in the trysting spot by the Beadle (Area 10), they will be dragged before the Mock Priest, and the Mock-Graf and Beadle will be fetched to witness the proceedings.

The Mock-Priest will demand confessions in a thunderous voice for any misdeeds and sins the PCs may have perpetrated. If they confess he will demand a fine be paid to the community coffers. If they refuse, the offender will be lashed to the arm and punished corporeally by the Beadle., leaving them with only 1d4 hp.

The Mock-Priest has some limited divine power that he is unwittingly receiving from Rivia that allows him to cast spells as a 5th level Cleric. He usually has bless, command, cure light wounds, and cause fear prepared. 

Aside from the Mock-Priest there are always 1d6 mockeries dozing in the pews and the Mock-Graf's headman praying piously in the corner.

Mockeries (1d6): AC: 4 [15], HD: 3, Att: club (1d6) and bite (1d4); ThAC0: 17 [+2]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 7; AL Chaotic; XP 35, NA 2d4 (1d4 x 10), TT: PQ 

Mock-Headsman (1): AC: 4 [15], HD: 4+1, Att: battleaxe (1d8+1) and bite (1d6); ThAC0: 15 [+4]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 10 W 11 P12 B 13 S 14; ML 7; AL Chaotic; XP 200, NA 1, TT: PQ 

The Mock-Headsman has a chance to instantly behead his foes: if his attack roll is 5 or more higher than the number he needed to hit a target, that target must Save vs. Death or he cleaves off their head.

Any time trouble of any sort occurs in church, if he is not already there, the Beadle will materialize in the hall and burst in the door with cudgel at the ready.

Mock-Beadle: AC: 5 [14], HD: 3+3 (16hp), Att: cudgel (1d6+1) and bite (1d4); ThAC0: 16 [+3]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 7; AL Chaotic; XP 75, NA 1, TT: PQ

The goblet on the Shrine is worth 300gp.

There is a small cask of sacremental wine worth 50gp under the altar, which never empties however much the Mock-Priest drinks from it, but will become an ordinary cask once removed.

A pair of gold-plated censors are located on the dias worth 50gp each.

There is a coffer under the altar that begins with 37sp and 117cp inside. Any time a dead character is left on the top two floors of the dungeon,  their bodies will end up in the midden, and any treasure they had will wind up in the coffer or tucked in the corner of the Cathedral. 

In the real cathedral, the two reliquaries to the left of the door contain the skulls of martyred heroes whom the faithful believe could rise again if the community was threatened.  In this mock Cathedral they are the skulls of two of Rivia's adventuring companions. The reliquaries are made of gold and camphor and are worth 800gp each.

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Note to Self

 Redid everything to match the conventions of OSE-A