Saturday, February 3, 2024

Thrommel's Green Location A: The Keep

 Built by the towns founder 150 years ago, this small, squat keep, has room for it's lord and his family, 24 men-at-arms, and the bare minimum servants necessary to keep it maintained.

The keep is no longer used as the residence for the town's Graf. Instead, it is set as an emergency shelter for the villagers in times of need. A group of eight men-at-arms currently reside there under the leadership of the town's captain, Randolph, who is the nephew and heir-apparent of the Graf.

Randolph is a straightforward man who doesn't mince words and believes in direct, brutal honesty. He doesn't trust adventurers, but he knows that they have been critical to the welfare of the village, and so he will develop a wait-and-see approach to evaluating their behaviour. If they defend villagers from danger, spend gold liberally, and show good manners, he will give his men orders to ignore the, for the most part. If they are troublemakers, he will threaten them and put them in the stocks the moment the beadle reports trouble-making.

Captain Randolph (L human fighter-3): AC: 2 [17] (plate and shield); HD: 3+3* (17hp), Att: magic sword (+3 to hit, 1d8+3), ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 60’ (20’), SV D13 W14 P13 B15 S16, ML: 10, AL: Lawful, XP: 50; NA 1, TT: -; Str 16 Int 11 Wis 12 Dex 10 Con 15 Cha 14

  • Equipment: plate armor, shield, +1 longsword (grants infravision to 120'), longbow, signet ring, horn, belt pouch, 44gp, 12sp, 38cp
Men-At-Arms (8): AC: 4 [7] (chainmail & shield); HD: 2d4+1, Att: spear (1d6), ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML: 10, AL: Lawful, XP: 15; NA (2d6), TT: -

The keep is also home to a currier, a stable boy, a steward, a scullion, a cook, and a porter who are all Level-0 normal men.

The upper floor to the keep is home to Mairi, Randolph's wife, and a former apprentice of Abus (see the Hatted Tower), and their daughters, Jutta (age 9) and Inge (age 6)

Mairi is cheerful, bubbly, and spends as much time as she can hanging out with the goodwives of the village. She teaches the local children to read and do arithmetic on the green three days a week (weather permitting) with a bag of candied apples as a reward to good learners. Magic-using PCs who have helped the loacals will be invited to have tea with her after the lesson, and if she is satisfied that they are well-meaning, she may share a spell from her spellbook with them, and recommend them to Abus (worth a +1 to his reaction rolls)

Anyone who harms a child in the village on the other hand, will be the subject of her "emergency measures:" a scroll that includes magic circle against evil, lesser planar binding, protection from evil, and banishment: she will happily dispatch a powerful planar being to slay people who hurt children. This scroll is kept in a sealed case with a password-locked wizard lock ("schewinhund"), and exploding runes inscribed on the bottom of the cap. The case is hidden under her and Randolph's bed.

Mairi (L human Magic-User-2): AC: 7 [12] (bracers of defence +1); HD: 2d4* (5 hp), Att: dagger (1d4); ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 120’ (40’), SV: D13 W14 P13 B15 S16, ML: 8, AL: Lawful, XP: 25; NA 1, TT: -; Str 7 Int 17 Wis 9 Dex 15 Con 11 Cha 12

  • Spells: sleep, unseen servant
  • Mairi's spellbook: Level-1: detect magic, floating disc, read magic, sleep, unseen servant, write
  • Equipment: bracers of armor +1, scroll of sleep, dagger, signet ring, turquoise necklace (50 gp), azure earrings (25gp ea.), silver-chased belt (200gp), velvet purse, slate, chalk, horn, 30gp, 17sp, 41cp

 Finally, the Keep is home to a dwarven smith, Rollo Amplesweat, who maintians the gear of the local men-at-arms. He will not do business with anyone outside the town guard unless Randolph okays it (which is a reward for extreme heroism).

Rollo is a workaholic in the extreme, part of a dwarven cult called The Diggers who believe in salvation through hard work. He also posses the secret to making +1 magic weapons and armor, but will not do so unless the person requesting it is willing to spend at least 4,500gp for his services and wait a week for the creation. Any item he makes grants the bearer infravision out to 120', a dwarf's ability to sense strange stonework, resistance to fire, or the ability to get a full night's sleep in just 2 hours (roll randomly to determine which)

Rollo Amplesweat: dwarf Cleric-5; AC 5; Atk: magic warhammer (+2 to hit, 1d8+3); SA: fire resistance, Spells; HD 5d8+5 (32hp); MV: 9"; SV: C5; ML 11; AL: LN; XP: ?; Str 17 Int 9 Dex 15 Wis 16  Con 15 Cha 7

Rollo Amplesweat (L dwarf Cleric-5): AC: 5 [14] (+1 studded leather); HD: 5d8+5** (32 hp), Att: magic warhammer (+2 to hit, 1d8+3); ThAC0:17 [+2], MV: 120’ (40’), SV: D 9 W10 P12 B14 S12, ML: 11, AL: Lawful, XP: 575; NA 1, TT: -; Str 17 Int 9 Wis 9 Dex 15 Con 15 Cha 7

  • Spells: cure light wounds, shield of faith, bless, resist fire
  • Turn Undead
  • Gear: +1 studded leather (protection from fire), +1 warhammer, holy symbol

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Note to Self

 Redid everything to match the conventions of OSE-A