Sunday, February 4, 2024

Thrommel's Green Location D: The Hatted Tower

This stout tower was built by a magician friend of the towns founder 150 years ago. It includes a library, alchemical laboratory, a small dungeon for keeping interesting monsters locked up to study, and an observatory, as well as the living quarters for the town's resident wizard

It is called The hatted tower because the rooftop was made of tarred paper and canvas on a mechanical frame meant to allow the rooftop to fold down for the observation of the Stars. However, the design was deeply flawed and after a few high winds and hailstorms, the tower has come to look like it is wearing a crooked old steeple crowned hat.

The windows and doors of the tower are Wizard Locked to Abus and Mairi. The first floor is permanently protected by an alarm spell. The interior is lit with hooded lanterns imbued with continual light.

The current master of the tower, Abus, was little more than an apprentice when the aging elf who had once kept and taught at the tower died. He is partially self-taught from what she left behind.

Over the years Abus has defended the town enough to reach a modicum of power, and uses his magical abilities primarily to help people find lost objects, mend severely damaged possessions, and settles community disputes. 

Abus (N human magic-User-7): AC: 9 [10]; HD: 7d4* (17hp), Att: staff (1d6), ThAC0:17 [+2], MV: 120’ (40’), SV D11 W12 P11 B14 S12, ML: 7, AL: Neutral, XP: 850; NA 1, TT: -; Str 9 Int 16 Wis 10 Dex 11 Con 12 Cha 12

  • Spells: Detect Magic, Enlarge, Floating Disc, Identify, Light, Sleep, Read Magic, Unseen Servant, ESP, Invisibility, See Invisible, Lightning Bolt, Slow, Polymorph Self
  • Spell book: Alarm, Detect Magic, Identify, Read Magic, Unseen Servant, Continual Light, ESP, Invisibility, See Invisible, Wizard Lock, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Slow, Water Breathing, Polymorph Self, Polymorph Other, Wall if Ice
  • Gear: Lantern with continual light, Cloak of ElvenkindScroll of Sleep, Scroll if Lightning Bolt ×2, Scroll of Polymorph Other, Dagger, Pearls ×5 (100gp ea.)

Abus collects maps and travelogues, and makes his own parchment ink, and bound books, he always has a supply of parchment, ink, chalk, charcoal, and quills for sale. He will buy maps of the dungeon at a value of 3gp per room depicted.

He also collects odd and interesting lanterns to imbue with continual light. He might part with one with one for 700 gp.

Abus' is far more talented at brewing potions than casting spells. He sells potions and scrolls to richer, more talented magicians far a field. Had any given time, there is around 7,000 gold pieces in liquid coin and small gems in his home, and 1f6 potions and 1d4 scrolls from the table below.

Abus' Potions (1d6)

  1. Healing
  2. Jumping
  3. Heroism
  4. Hill Giant Strength
  5. ESP
  6. Fire Resistance 

Abus' Scrolls (1d100)

01-06. Alarm (50 gp)

07-12. Detect Magic (50 gp)

13-18. Enlarge (50 gp)

19-24. Floating Disc (50 gp)

25-32. Light (50 gp)

33-36. Sleep (100 gp)

37-42. Unseen Servant (50 gp)

43-46. Continual Light (300 gp)

47-50. ESP (300 gp)

51-54 Invisibility (600 gp)

55-58. Knock (300 gp)

59-62. See Invisible (300 gp)

63-66. Wizard Lock (300 gp)

67-70. Haste (750 gp)

71-73 Lightning Bolt (1,500 gp)

74-77. Slow (750 gp)

78-81. Water Breathing (750 gp)

82-84. Polymorph Self (1,400 gp)

85-86. Polymorph Other (2,800 gp)

87-88. Wall of Ice (1,400 gp)

89-92. Protection from Normal Weapons (1,000 gp)

91-95. Protection from Cold (375 gp)

96-99. Protection from Fire (375 gp)

00. Treasure Map (5d20 gp)

Refresh his stock with 1d3-1 scrolls and 1d3-1 potions each week 

Abus had studied the same time Rivia did, and can tell a little bit about her early adventures, but didn't keep in touch with her after she went further a field.

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 Redid everything to match the conventions of OSE-A