Friday, January 5, 2024

Room 2: A Cry for Mercy

 All flames in this chamber turn crimson. An iron maiden dominates the far wall from which muffled weeping and screaming can be heard. A book lays on an altar before it, sometimes rustling as the pages turn. A tormented stream of consciousness is magically transcribed:

"Is someone there. Did I see someone come int? Please can you help me? I've gone mad! I'm lost! I need help! Oh, gods it hurts! Come quick! I will try to hold this place in one shape as long as I can..."

This book periodically attunes to the mind of Rivia, the sorceress whose mad dreams have spawned this dungeon.

The iron maiden echoes her pleas.

Opening it will set free a crimson ooze, a liquid red terror that holds the shape of a person (roughly) as it splashes towards them.

Crimson Ooze: AC 6 [13]; Atk: touch (1d6 + corrosion); HD 3+3; ThAC0:16 [+3]; MV: 90' (30'); SV:  D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 9; Int -; AL: C; XP:100; TT: -

The crimson ooze damages armor and clothes, reducing the AC value of armour touched by 1d3; Once the PC's armour is no longer providing any additional protection, the next hit they take deals an extra 1hp of damage plus an additional 1 hp per round until washed off with water or alcohol. Any time a PC strikes a Crimson Oooze with a weapon, they must Save vs. Death or their weapon is damaged and deals -1 damage on the first failed save, and is destroyed on the second.

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Note to Self

 Redid everything to match the conventions of OSE-A