Friday, January 5, 2024

Room 4: The Chamber of Lies

 Odd bookshelves are piled with musty tomes, scrolls, specimen cages with bones or empty carapaces, bottles of reagents, a dwarf's skull, and alchemical tools. Four on the West wall, and five on the East. A writing desk sits on the far wall with an open book, and two pig's heads mounted as trophies above it.

The following items can be collected here:

  • A calligrapher's toolkit including pigments, ink, pens, pen knives, a razor, sand, paint, and glue.
  • 15 rolls of parchment.
  • A scroll of contact other plane
  • A preserved sprite worth 75gp
  • Assorted books on arcane topics; all inaccurate or confusing; they can be treated as 500gp worth of materials for a magical research library, but any spell created using them will be unstable, having a 5% chance with each use of backfiring on the caster.
  • Several heretical texts and apocrypha worth 200gp, but illegal to own, buy, or sell.
  • 45 scholarly works worth 3d6gp each*

The Pig's Heads, if addressed, are intelligent and capable of speaking, but argue, contradict one another, and ramble. They have a base chance of 45% to know the answer to questions about the dungeons, with a cumulative -6% penalty per floor below 1st that they are being asked about. However, if they do know the answer, one will tell the truth and one will lie. If neither know, they will make something up. They will claim to be oracles, but will simply make up answers.

The Fourth bookshelf on the West wall contains a secret door to room 5.

There is a lantern here that is cursed. Any attempt to identify it will claim that it is a lantern of revealing. But there is a 1 in 6 chance once per day of it simply creating a phantasmal force illusion of a lurking monster, hidden door, or strange object that is not really there. It only reveals actual invisible things 50% of the time.

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Note to Self

 Redid everything to match the conventions of OSE-A