Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Room 13: The Farmstead

A wooden floor covered in threadbare rugs traps the heat from a blazing fire in the hearth of the far wall. In the far left corner, a double bed is partially concealed by heavy woolen curtains, while a pair of hammocks sit in the left corner next to a wood pile. A nearly empty pantry shelf, disused spinning wheel, and rusty farm implements are scattered about the room. A table in the middle has a plate with a steaming, unappetizing stew.

This house is an amalgam of the one-room cottages and parlours of several of the farmhouses. The mockeries living here are younger versions of several of the retirees around Thrommel's Green and child-like versions of their now-adult children. (Mockeries have the same stats even as children, they are born strong and vicious.)

There is little here of value, and the Mockeries have eaten nearly everything that appeared in the pantry when the farmhouse manifested. These Mockeries have led the charge to raid the village for more supplies, as they are expected to  feed the higher-ranking mockeries in Areas 16, and 17.

Mockeries (4): AC: 4 [15], HD: 3, Att: club (1d6) and bite (1d4); ThAC0: 17 [+2]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 7; AL Chaotic; XP 35, NA 2d4 (1d4 x 10), TT: PQ

The stew here has been made with a mix of horse and human flesh, and will make a human or demihuman who eats it violently ill unless they Save vs. Poison, leaving them unable to cast spells, moving at half speed, and at a -2 penalty to ability checks, saving throws, and attack rolls for 1d4 turns.

These mockeries fear Grandfather in Area 12, and will pay 60sp for the PCs to rough him up and steal his meat.

That 60sp is otherwise hidden inside a compartment on the bottom of the spinning wheel.

If attacked, or if they attack the PCs and then fail a morale check, they may scream for help, summoning the Mockeries from Areas 14, 15, and 16.

Otherwise this room contains

  • a cord of firewood,
  • a hatchet,
  • a hoe, shovel, and a tilling claw
  • 4 balls of twine,
  • clay bowls, wooden spoons, and pewter forks and knives for 8 settings
  • a loaf of mouldy bread,
  • a cooking pot
  • some chalk
  • 14 candles
  • a tinderbox

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Note to Self

 Redid everything to match the conventions of OSE-A