Sunday, January 14, 2024

Room 12 Grandfather's Cabin

 This room has log walls, like a cabin. It reeks of blood and soot. Its one table has a blood-soaked chopping block, and crank-powered meat grinder. Chunks of curing meat and links of sausage dangle from the ceiling and hooks on the walls. Trophies of two elk, a boar and black bear on the wall seem to follow you with their eyes. The heat from the pot-bellied stove makes it stuffy. A rickety bed, and lectern with a single book sit in the far corner.

This is a reflection of the home of Rivia's late grandfather, which is now an abandoned ruin at the edge of Thrommel's Green. He was a decent man, but lived by hunting and doing his own tanning and butchery, She occasionally had to spend the night in his home, and it terrified her out of her wits... which amused the old man.

The mockery in his image is a blood-soaked terror that is just as willing to make other mockeries into food as it is the animals in the woods near the dungeon. It has an insatiable appetite, and may consider turning them into sausage and meat pies. The other mockeries are terrified of him and may pay the PCs to kill him.

Mock-Grandfather: AC: 4 [15], HD: 5+5*, Att: cleaver (1d8) and bite (1d8); ThAC0: 14 [+5]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 10 W 11 P12 B 13 S 14; ML 7; AL Chaotic; XP 300, NA 1, TT: P,Q

In his lair, Grandfather  can animate the trophies on the wall which can snake from their mounts on tentacle-like limbs to bite or gore intruders. They have a 15' reach.

Trophies (4): AC: 7 [12], HD: 2, Att: bite or gore (1d6); ThAC0: 18 [+1]; MV 0’ (0’), SV: D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 10; AL Chaotic; XP 20, NA 4, TT: -

If engaged in his home, he will hurl a pot of blood on the floor, which will act as a grease spell, to make the terrain in a 10' within the door treacherous,  then try to lure PCs into reach of the Trophies.

A trunk by the foot of Grandfather' bed holds 180gp 290ep, 365sp, 50cp, a small bronze idol worth 130gp, and an azurite worth 96gp.

The sausages, jerky, and glazed hocks here constitute enough food for 21 days of standard rations, and 15 days of iron rations. 

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Note to Self

 Redid everything to match the conventions of OSE-A