Friday, January 12, 2024

Room 11: The Smithy

A board-walled smithy sides on to the strange indoor commons, and even has windows looking over the vegetable garden. A warm forge, anvil, grindstone, and quenching bucket are opposite the wide log-framed archway. A work bench has a dine miner's helmet, a couple of sickles, a small box of hardware and some tools immediately to the left across from a coal bin and a bench. To the right is a frame for shoeing horses with a young man in battered trousers chained up in it. A suit of plate mail stands in the corner beyond him.

 This is a nearly-perfect copy of the smithy found in Thrommel's Green's.

Inside the PCs can find:

  • Smithing tools: anvil, smithing hammer, several small hammers, tongs, calipers, a post mallet, and a large bucket.
  • A miner's helmet with built-in lantern
  • 2 sickles
  • 3 daggers
  • 48 iron spikes
  • 60lbs of coal
  • 144 iron ingots
  • 28 lead ingots
  • 16 steel ingots
  • 22 brass ingots
  • a sack of quicklime
  • a bag of iron filings
  • 4 sets of horseshoes
  • a box of nails, hinges, latches, bolts, and hooks made of iron 
  • a bag of caltrops
  • Block and tackle
  • a saddle
  • a horse's harness
  • A suit of human-sized plate-mail
  • 2 maces
  • 27gp, 9sp, 16cp
  • 4 tavern puzzles worth 5gp each 
  • casts for knife blades, nails, sling bullets, chain links, door knobs, knockers, arrowheads, and screws
  • 18lbs of wax

A mockery of the village's previous smith (10 years dead, now) lurks here. It makes ammunition for the mockeries during the day, and sleeps all night. He has maximum hit points and +1 to hit and damage.

Mock-Smith (1): AC: 5 [14], HD: 3 (20 hp), Att: club (+1 to hit, 1d6+1) and bite (1d4); ThAC0: 17 [+2]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 7; AL Chaotic; XP 35, NA 1, TT: PQ

The young man is Haley, an idealized clone of Thrommel's Green's current blacksmith as he was as a teen-aged apprentice -- and Rivia's lover. Unlike other people from Rivia's past, who are distorted by bad feelings, her memories of Haley were nothing but positive, and exaggerated by time.

Haley Smythe: fuman fighter-2; AC: 8 [11], HD: 2+2 (15 hp), Att: fist (2); ThAC0: 19 [+0]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 8; AL Lawful; XP 25, NA: 1, TT: -;  Str 15 Int 12 Wis 9 Dex 15 Con 15 Cha 16

The Mockeries could not stand how perfect Haley was in comparison to them. They have chained him up to the horse rack in the smithy, and regularly stop by to mock and torment him.

He will be friendly to the PCs and grateful for the rescue. He can be recruited as a henchman. In any case, he will realize he has no place in the village when he discovers a 49-year-old version of himself that is somewhat more humanly flawed, not to mention married, with children, and the village smith. If he realizes that Rivia is somewhere in the dungeon and needs help he will offer to assist the PCs or form his own party with a separate party of PCs.

In real life, Rivia never returned to the village after her first couple of adventures, and neglected her relationship with Haley. Haley eventually got tired of waiting and married Rivia's cousin Myra, and has made a happy life for himself. Rivia still carries a torch for him, deep down, which is why a superhuman version of him was created as she dreamed of home.

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Note to Self

 Redid everything to match the conventions of OSE-A