Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Room 10. The Trysting Spot

 This secluded corner of the strange green room is hidden by snowball plants, ferns, and several fruit-trees bearing oversized lemons forming a ring around a large oak. Its trunk and roots are twisted into strangely suggestive forms, and there is a musk in the air. There is a stone placard at the base of the tree, and a dense patch of mushrooms in the shadiest spot under its boughs. There are a few bits of cloth strewn in the bushes.

This is a fevered image of the most popular spot for trysting among teenagers and adulterers in the real-life version of Thrommel's Green, and Rivia's psychic impression exaggerates it, leaving discarded clothing in the bushes and a musk in the air.

Eating the mushrooms here will give a PC confusing, erotic hallucinations, leaving them helpless for 1d3 turns. Afterwards they will have 5 temporary hit points but be at -2 to Saves vs. Spells for he next 24 hours.

In the real Thrommel's Greenthe placard is dedicated to a local hero in whose memory the tree was planted. In the Pit of Fever Dreams it changes each tme it is read (roll a d8):

1. Nobody ever read it anyway.
2. Hang pants here.
3. You are so beautiful.
4. Shhh! I think my husband is searching the garden.
5. Every village has a spot like this. Most adults pretend they don't know about it.
6. We can repent in the morning.
7. Not so loud.
8. I think I hear the watchman!*

On a roll of 8, a particularly brutal mockery that looks like the Beadle of Thrommel's Green will suddenly be spawned and burst in from the bushes, shouting "Caught you you filthy little beasts!" And attempt to beat the PCs and drag them off to the Shrine (Room 17) to pay a fine and confess their sinful ways.

This beadle has +1 to attack and damage, 3+3 HD, and maximum hit points.

Mock-Beadle: AC: 5 [14], HD: 3+3 (16hp), Att: cudgel (1d6+1) and bite (1d4); ThAC0: 16 [+3]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 7; AL Chaotic; XP 75, NA 1, TT: PQ


Certain Mockeries, such as the Beadle, The Barman's Wife, and Sir Helm appear only under certain conditions: they manifest spontaneously from the undergrowth or one of the dungeon's false doors. If these mockeries die, their bodies will evaporate. They will be able to appear again in the same way as they did before after 24 hours have passed. Once Rivia is out of her sick bed, these mockeries will no longer be able to appear.

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Note to Self

 Redid everything to match the conventions of OSE-A