Monday, January 8, 2024

Room 8: Monsters' Playroom

 This room is full of broken and decayed furniture; a trio of cracked, filthy beds surround a brass coal brazier. Dice, a hideous doll, and an chess set are scattered about a filthy, scorched rug under the sleeping area. A crumbling fireplace in one corner is hung with rusty cooking implements, and a litter of skillets, ladles and wooden spoons. In the far corner, low embers of a cooking fire sit under a steaming cauldron surrounded by bones. It reeks of unwashed bodies, smoke, and congealing stew.

Anyone who visits Rivia's childhood home in the nearby village of Thrommel's Green will recognize this as a twisted parody of their hovel.

The stew in the corner is made of dog meat, root, and fungus. Anyone eating it will be nourished, but must make a Save vs. Poison or also suffer from a contortion of their personality, making them cruel, ill-tempered, and vicious for 24 hours. They must Save vs. Paralysis or fly into a violent rage when insulted or stressed, gaining a +2 to attacks and damage, but they are unable to flee or parlay.

Five mockeries reside here: sharp-toothed and big-headed monstrous parodies of Rivia's own family.

Mockeries (5): AC: 4 [15], HD: 3, Att :club (1d6) and bite (1d4); ThAC0: 17 [+2]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 7; AL Chaotic; XP 35, NA 2d4 (1d4 x 10), TT: PQ

The chess set is carved on obsidian and bone, and is worth 50gp. A battered trunk in the corner contains 2,252sp, 12' of chain, 30' of rope, a needle and thread, and a potion of delusion.

The Mockeries here are terrified of Grandfather (room X) and have spiteful feelings towards the other Mockery groups (room X-Y). If the PCs manage to make friends of the Mockery of Rivia's mother, she will offer them 100sp per head of the Mockeries in room Z.

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Note to Self

 Redid everything to match the conventions of OSE-A