Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Rival Parties: Thrommel's Four

 Thrommel's Four is a group of young wannabe adventurers who were brought up on the tales of great advnenturers from the founder to the goblin-slayers of their great-grandparent's times, to the Jorund the fox, to Rivia. Since the threat of the mockeries has struck the town, they have dedicated themselves to dealing with the threats of the dungeon.

Unfortunately, they are high on idealism and spunk, and low on good sense. They take the route of threatening foes with arms, see "wiping out" the dungeon as ideal, won't recruit hirelings, and generally don't have a goal beyond "be heroes."

Encounters with them are likely to be rescue missions, scenes of tragedy, or helping them out of fights they can't win.

Ythan Straighthistle

Ythan is a halfling who has spent years working odd jobs for tinker, blacksmith, gongfarmer, and miller alike, He has a knack for mechanical things, and so has the job of searching for traps and scouting.

Ythan has a poor span of attention and has been a let-down to his family, unable to settle on a career path. He sees being a hero and coming out of the dungeon with some loot as his chance to be someone to his clan.

He is clever, and carries an assortment of potentially useful gear for solving problems; but whether he will be effective in using them is another question.

Ythan: halfling thief-1; AC 6 [13] (leather armour); atk: sling (+2 to hit, 1d4); SA: Halfling traits, Thievery; MV: 9" HD 1 (4hp); SV: T1; AL: TN; ML: 6; XP: ?; Str 6 Int 13 Wis 6 Dex 16 Con 11 Cha 8

 Gear: leather armor, sling, 20 sling bullets, thieves tools, hammer, 12 iron spikes, bag of marbles, bag of caltrops, hand drill, bellows, ball of twine, small bell, lock and key, 4 flasks of oil, small mirror, waterskin

Arthan Lamplighter

An acolyte of the Order of Lansal, Arthan believes strongly in valor and courage in the face of danger. He hopes to emulate the tales of the heroic saints of his religion. So desperately, in fact, that he is shirking his duties at the temple and going in against the advice of Frater Hans. 

Arthan's heart is in the right place, but his head is tragically empty. He hasn't got much in terms of a plan, strategy or goal aside from "punish the monsters." The idea of negotiating with monsters rather than slaying them will never occur to him.

Arthan: human cleric-1; AC: 5 [13] (chainmail and shield); atk: mace (1d6); SA: Turn Undead; MV: 9"; HD 1+1; SV: T1; AL: NG; ML: 9; XP: ?; Str 13 Int 5 Wis 15 Dex 9 Con 15 Cha 11

Gear: chainmail, shield, mace, holy symbol, backpack, holy water, waterskin


A scrappy tomboy whose family moved to Thrommel's Green when she was 12, Bernadette never fit in with the girls of town, and always felt like she had something to prove to the community. Mostly this is in her imagination, because she is thoroughly conceited and a bit paranoid.

This is, as far as she is concerned, a chance to show up the boys who excluded her from sports, and be more important and tlked-about than the girls her age. If she can lose the chip on her shoulder, she might be avery successful adventurer: she's not dumb, just shot-sighted.

Bernadette: human Fighter-1; AC 5 [14] (scale mail); atk: halberd (+1 to hit, 1d10+1); HD 1d10+1 (9 hp); MV: 9"; SV: F1; AL: TN; ML: 8; XP:?; Str 15 Int 9 Wis 9 Dex 11 Con 17 Cha 11

Gear: Scale mail, halberd, club, backpack, 2 waterskins, blanket, shovel, crowbar, 3 large sacks

Thomas Cooper

A surprisingly bright son of two dull-witted parents,  Thomas learned to read and write from Mairi, and eventually learned the rudiments of magic from her. His parents,  however, were uninterested in saving for an education,  or letting him apprentice under Abus, as they wanted him to take up the family trade of barrel-making and beer-tasting. An education beyond what Mairi could teach him would take him away from their shop, and thus cut into their drinking hours.

Using what little he knows to gather gold in the dungeon is his way to get out from under his parents and pay for formal training.

Thomas: human Magic-Ussr-1; AC 9 [10], atk: dart (1d3 -1); SA: spells; HD 1d4 (2 hp); MV: 12"; SV: M1; XP: ?; Str 6 Int 14 Wis 9 Dex 10 Con 11 Cha 12

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Note to Self

 Redid everything to match the conventions of OSE-A