Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Thrommel's Green Location G: The Answering Sword

 Named for the legendary sword of the town's founder, The Answering Sword is an inn and public house that serves visitors to Thrommel' Green. When Lhorik was Graf of the town, he invested heavily in ensuring that the inn  could provide space for caravans, esteemed guests, and guild journeymen, which has led to a sprawling layout of rooms that are almost never occupied. The Inn has become a hard to maintain, and it's costs steep.

The innkeeper, Orlan Tapper, and his wife Rita, are desperate to keep long-term guests, and so pamper their guests with cheerful attention, and meals full of complex flavors in hopes of keeping them on for as long as possible.

Food and lodging at The Answering Sword costs 20% more than the standard rate. Additional services like massages and hot baths are offered for a few coppers as well.

The Red Retort is a red ale made by Orlan that is exceptional, and he considers his pride and joy. The mockeries from the Pit of Fever Dreams have recently raided his storehouse for food and drink and made off with several kegs. He is beside himself over the financial loss. If the PCs return his kegs he will make a point of singing their praises throughout the town.

The permanent residents of the inn at the moment include two of the three rival adventuring parties as well as an assortment of potential hirelings or henchmen who either live in or are stopping in Thrommel's Green for a time.

Rita was once a notorious shrew who was more vicious than any bouncer the town could ever have hired. She has mellowed substantially since then, and has become a devout Lansalian. She will find stories of the mockery of her hilarious. In a desperate situation, she might go into the dungeon to help a family member or save the Inn's finances.

Rita (N human Fighter-2): AC: 8 [11] (padded armor); HD: 2+2 (11 hp), Att: club (+1 to hit, 1d6+1); ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 120’ (40’), SV: D13 W14 P13 B15 S16, ML: 9, AL: Neutral, XP: 25; NA 1, TT: -; Str 14 Int 11 Wis 7 Dex 10 Con 13 Cha 9

Mim the Bright

Mim "the Bright" fancies herself a wandering bardess. She roams about from town to town singing for her supper. When her questionable talents fail to provide, she instead picks pockets or burgles promising houses. She is looking for adventures that she can boast about... preferably while taking as few risks as possible.

Mim: (L half-elf Thief-1): AC: 5 [13] (leather armour); HD: 1d6* (3 hp), Att: dagger (-1 to hit, 1d4-1); ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 120’ (40’), SV: D13 W14 P13 B16 S15, ML: 7, AL: Chaotic, XP: 10; NA 1, TT: -; Str 8 Int 12 Wis 7 Dex 16 Con 11 Cha 14

  •  Thievery: CS 87 TR 10 HN 1-2 HS 10 MS 20 OL 15 PP 20      
  • Gear: 3 daggers, short sword, shortbow, 12 arrows, quiver, leather armour, mandolin, tambourine, thieves' tools, backpack, waterskin


A roaming treasure hunter, Eadwaccer comes from a far-off land. He has a partial treasure map that has led him in the direction of Thrommel's Green. The journey, however has been hard. He has lost his armor,  his provisions, and most of his gear. He is making do with rough, improvised weapons. He is now desperate to earn coin to continue his journey, and hopefully find someone to help him interpret what remains of his map. He will ask to be provided with armor as a part of joining the group.

Eadwaccer: (N human Fighter-1): AC: 8 [11] (shield); HD: 1d8+1 (6 hp), Att: club (1d6) or shortbow 1d6; ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 120’ (40’), SV: D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML: 8, AL: Neutral, XP: 15; NA 1, TT: -; Str 11 Int 11 Wis 10 Dex 10 Con 14 Cha 9

  • Gear: Club, shortbow, 8 arrows, quiver, shield, backpack, waterskin, flint 7 steel, 2-man tent, bedroll, blanket, damaged map

Otho Lighthand

A roaming halfling outcast, Otho is a liar and a cheat who uses his deft hands to cheat at dice and cards, slip valuables from the pockets of drunks. He will see scouting and lock-picking jobs in a dungeon as easy money, and look for the ideal opportunity to get more than his fair share.

Otho (C halfling Thief-1): AC: 5 [14] (leather armor); HD: 1* (2 hp), Att: sling (+3 to hit, 1d3); ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 120’ (40’), SV: D13(+2) W14 (+2) P13 B16 S15 (+2), ML: 6, AL: Chaotic; XP: 13; NA 1, TT: -; Str 10 Int 13 Wis 12 Dex 16 Con 9 Cha 12  

  • Halfling Traits: +2 to missile attacks, saving throw bonuses, +2 to AC on attacks from Large creatures.
  • Thievery: CS 87 TR 10 HN 1-2 HS 10 MS 20 OL 15 PP 20
  • Gear: Leather armor, 2 loaded dice, marked cards, regular playing cards, 10 dice, 2 wooden cups, sling, bag of stones, hooded lantern, flint & steel, 10 candles, caltrops,  pouch, small but vicious dog.

Ryla Redhammer

A cultist of the obscure cannibal God Mormo. Ryla is a large frightening woman. Who specializes in cooking almost anything into a delicious meal, she is a true connoisseur of monster flesh, although she considers halflings the best meat. She manages to keep her generally psychotic disposition under a sweet, matronly demeanour.  She is happiest when keeping a tidy, comfortable camp and cooking a delicious meal for fellows... especially when she can make it out of a fallenfoe.

Ryla: (C human Cleric-1): AC: 5 [14] (chainmail); HD: 1d6* (5 hp), Att: warhammer (+1 to hit,1d8+1) or sling (1d3); ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 90’ (30’), SV: D11 W12 P14 B15 S16, ML: 9, AL: Chaotic, XP: 19; NA 1, TT: -; Str 13 Int 9 Wis 15 Dex 11 Con 10 Cha 7  

  • Command Undead
  • Gear: chainmal, warhammer, sling, pouch of stones ×20, unholy symbol, backpack,  cooking kit, cleaver, flint & steel, hatchet, bedroll, 7 days rations

Rurin Hardhands

Ruin Hardhands is one of the Diggers, a cult that is growing in popularity with Dwarves in several nearby strongholds,  and is now spreading into human lands. It holds that sentient humanoids are constantly tempted to indolence and laziness, which wastes their potential and offends the Creator.  Hard work is the route to salvation. Rurin is hoping to gather more to his cause by setting a great example by doing as much to help others as he can manage. Joining a party to fight off monsters and retrieve stolen goods is an ideal opportunity to earn converts. He will preach incessantly, in hopes the PCs would convert.

Rurin: (L Dwarf Cleric-1): AC: 4 [15] (chainmail & shield); HD: 1d6* (6 hp), Att: mace (1d8) or sling (1d3); ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 90’ (30’), SV: D11 W12 P14 B15 S16, ML: 9, AL: Lawful, XP: 19; NA 1, TT: -; Str 11 Int 9 Wis 15 Dex 10 Con 12 Cha 9

  • Turn Undead
  • Gear: chainmal, shield, mace, holy symbol, backpack, waterskin, 7 days of rations, bedroll, blanket,  beacon lantern, 4 flasks of oil, flint & steel, tinker's tools, shovel, iron spikes, hammer.


Caleb is a recently-graduated apprentice of Mordechai the Enigma, Caleb has made many journeys down to Threommel's green to fetch scrolls and potions for his master, and has a good rapport with Abus. He came here seeking advice or work at the Hatted tower. Abus, for his part, has been hesitant to tell Caleb too much, because he can tell that Caleb is delaying the end of his apprentice days. He has urged Caleb to seek out the mystery of the mockeries and the strange new dungeon. A party that takes Caleb on and treats him well will be at a +1 reaction roll from Abus, and get a 5% discount on his services.

Caleb: (N human Magic-User-1): AC: 9 [11]; HD: 1d4* (2 hp), Att:staff (1d5); ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 120’ (40’), SV: D13 W14 P13 B15 S16, ML: 7, AL: Neutral, XP: 6; NA 1, TT: -; Str 12 Int 16 Wis 13 Dex 11 Con 11 Cha 9

  • Spells: light
  • Spellbook: light, read magic, shocking grasp, protection from  evil
  • Gear: quarterstaff, scroll case, 4 sheets of paper, pouch, ink, quill, quill knife, chalk, 1lb. soap, backpack,  spellbook, hooded lantern, 6 flasks of oil, belt pouch, 12 candles, caltrops,  2-man tent, 7 days rations, 2 waterskins, bedroll, blanket 

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Note to Self

 Redid everything to match the conventions of OSE-A