Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Rival Parties: The Cudgelmen

 A group of bounty hunters, the Cudgelmen are happy to track outlaws, monsters, debtors, or thieves and bring them back alive. They pride themselves on being smart, surgical, and stealthy. They have hardly made a stir in the dungeon as they have explored it.

They are hunting Kelno the Grim, a wizard who has settled deep in the 4th level. He escaped them a few days back, and they will lose both face and a 2,000gp bounty if he is not arrested again soon.

The Cudgelmen are over-cautious; they move slowly through the dungeon, forever searching for traps and testing items. They draw elaborate maps and journals to keep track of what they have found (which they will refuse to share.) They often reset traps they have disarmed in order to ensure that they leave less trace of their passing.

Tyaa Hammerhead

An exile from a nearby dwarven stronghold, Tyaa was forgotten by a negligent grandmother and left in a deep cavern for weeks, surviving on lichen and hiding from the denizens. She was ill-treated by her family on return, as her grandmother said she had run away, and claimed that she thought had seen her hanging out with the low-castes after her disappearance. It left Tyaa both traumatized and bitter. She hoards food and supplies greedily, and steals small trinkets.

Eventually her behaviour got her cast out of her stronghold. Her sticky fingers, quiet feet, and penchant to beat anyone who mistreats her with relentless fury eventually drew the attention of an assassin's guild that has trained her and placed her among bounty hunters in case they need a fugitive silenced.

Tyaa (C Dwarf  Assassin-3): AC: 5 [14] (studded leather & shield); HD: 3d6+3* (14hp), Att: truncehon (1d6+1) or short sword (1d6+1), ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 120’ (40’), SV D13 (+4) W14 (+4) P13 B15 S16 (+4), ML: 7, AL: Chaotic, XP: 100; NA 1, TT: -; Str 15 Int 13 Wis 8 Dex 15 Con 16 Cha 5

  • Infravision 60'
  • Detection: detects construction tricks or room traps on 1-2 on 1d6
  • Assassinate: If Tyaa attacks a human, demihuman target, or a humanoid monster of 4+1 HD or less unawares from behind she gains a +4 to hit and they must Save vs. Death or die. If they succeed they take normal damage
  • Thievery: CS 91 HN 1-3 HS 20 MS 30     
  •  Gear: truncheon, short sword, shortbow, 12 arrows, quiver, studded leather armour, small shield, manacles, lantern, flint & steel, 6 flasks of oil, 8 vials of poison, backpack, 50' of rope, grappling hook, 2 sets of manacles, lock & key, thieves' tools, tripwire, iron spikes, hammer, 14 days rations, 3 waterskins

Lunk the Principled

A scar-faced hulking brute, Lunk grew up in a bandit camp and lived a life of brutality in his youth. When he was 9, his parents were hunted down by bounty hunters who put him in an orphanage. Lunk was treated as a bad seen by the master of the orphanage, but a nun of Lansal, Hermine, saw the potential to make a better man of him. She taught him tales of heroes who used wits and words to overcome their enemies, of chivalrous knights, clever negotiators, and peacemakers.

While Lunk never completely gave up his rough and wild nature, he saw that as long as you acted as if violence was a serious thing to be avoided, often your opponents would pick up on it. Even if they still chose a fight, if he set terms and rules, often his enemies would, too. Lunk is quick to call for parlay, surrender, and single combat when it serves his purpose. But he is just as quick to put down any foe who decided not to play by the rules with unrelenting savagery.

Lunk (N human fighter-3): AC: 6 [13] (studded leather & shield); HD: 3d10+3* (20hp), Att: truncehon (+2 to hit, 1d6+2), ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 120’ (40’), SV D13 W14 P13 B15 S16, ML: 10, AL: Neutral, XP: 50; NA 1, TT: -; Str 16 Int 11 Wis 11 Dex 14 Con 15 Cha 12

  • Gear: truncheon, battleaxe, heavy crossbow, 10 bolts, 6 torches, flint & steel, 50' rope, 2 waterskins, 6 days rations, manacles

Clever Yili

A gnome with an obsession for testing his wit, cunning, and ability to improvise against dangerous and desperate odds, Yili doesn't speak of his past - not because it is tragic, but rather because he finds it entertaining to see others speculate. He is really a gnome who has taken the idea of being a prankster who outwits foes much bigger than him to an extreme.

Yili can be charming at first. He talks constantly and has a lot of strange and amusing ideas. It quickly becomes clear however that he has an odd personality prone to obsessions and manias. He is as happy chatting with himself as others.

Yili (C Gnome Thief-2/Illusionist-2): AC: 9 [10]; HD: 2d3+2d2** (7hp), Att: bolos (+1 to hit, tangle) or dart (+1 to hit, 1d3), ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 120’ (40’), SV D13 W14 (+3) P13 B16 S15 (+3), ML: 7, AL: Chaotic, XP: 45; NA 1, TT: -; Str 7 Int 14 Wis 11 Dex 13 Con 13 Cha 14

  • Infravision 60'
  • +2 AC when under attack by creatures larger than man-sized
  • Detection: detects construction tricks on 1-2 on 1d6
  • Speaks with burrowing mammals
  • Thievery: CS 87 TR 10 HN 1-2 HS 10 MS 20 OL 15 PP 20
  •  Spells: Sleep, Colour Spray
  • Gear: 4 bolos, 6 darts, thieves' tools, hooded lantern containing continual light, 2 bags caltrops, small pot of grease, hand drill, 6 iron spikes, hammer, 3 tripwires, bag of powdered charcoal, flint and steel, carrion crawler extract, 2 flasks of holy water, vial of acid, 50' silk rope, backpack, collapsible lantern stand, bell

Yerin Bones

Member of a dying druid cult that came with the prince at the founding of the city, then moved further into the wilderness, Yerin has little love for or interest in Thrommel's Green; he cares only about the hunt, and sees much of life in terms of predator and prey. Finding a way to hunt dangerous monsters and men and profit by it - without all the legal entanglements, is a joy to hum.

Yerin is grim and serious when first encountered, but if you engage him about what he loves, beer, hunting, wrestling, and archery, he will warm up pretty quickly. He likes competitions of any kind, but shooting and hunting contests are a great way to part him from his treasure.

Yerin (N human Druid-2): AC: 5 [14] (hide & shield); HD: 2* (13hp), Att: magic shortbow (+2 to hit, 1d6+2), ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 90’ (30’), SV D11 W12 P14 B16 S15, ML: 8, AL: Neutral, XP: 25; NA 1, TT: -; Str 11 Int 10 Wis 15 Dex 13 Con 12 Cha 8

  • Save Bonus: +2 vs. fire & lightning
  • Spells: goodberry, cure light wounds
  • Gear: 10ft. pole; backpack, holly, mistletoe, silver sickle, chalk, 6 torches, 2 waterskins, 8 days of rations, 50 ft. of rope

Rival Parties: Thrommel's Four

 Thrommel's Four is a group of young wannabe adventurers who were brought up on the tales of great advnenturers from the founder to the goblin-slayers of their great-grandparent's times, to the Jorund the fox, to Rivia. Since the threat of the mockeries has struck the town, they have dedicated themselves to dealing with the threats of the dungeon.

Unfortunately, they are high on idealism and spunk, and low on good sense. They take the route of threatening foes with arms, see "wiping out" the dungeon as ideal, won't recruit hirelings, and generally don't have a goal beyond "be heroes."

Encounters with them are likely to be rescue missions, scenes of tragedy, or helping them out of fights they can't win.

Ythan Straighthistle

Ythan is a halfling who has spent years working odd jobs for tinker, blacksmith, gongfarmer, and miller alike, He has a knack for mechanical things, and so has the job of searching for traps and scouting.

Ythan has a poor span of attention and has been a let-down to his family, unable to settle on a career path. He sees being a hero and coming out of the dungeon with some loot as his chance to be someone to his clan.

He is clever, and carries an assortment of potentially useful gear for solving problems; but whether he will be effective in using them is another question.

Ythan: halfling thief-1; AC 6 [13] (leather armour); atk: sling (+2 to hit, 1d4); SA: Halfling traits, Thievery; MV: 9" HD 1 (4hp); SV: T1; AL: TN; ML: 6; XP: ?; Str 6 Int 13 Wis 6 Dex 16 Con 11 Cha 8

 Gear: leather armor, sling, 20 sling bullets, thieves tools, hammer, 12 iron spikes, bag of marbles, bag of caltrops, hand drill, bellows, ball of twine, small bell, lock and key, 4 flasks of oil, small mirror, waterskin

Arthan Lamplighter

An acolyte of the Order of Lansal, Arthan believes strongly in valor and courage in the face of danger. He hopes to emulate the tales of the heroic saints of his religion. So desperately, in fact, that he is shirking his duties at the temple and going in against the advice of Frater Hans. 

Arthan's heart is in the right place, but his head is tragically empty. He hasn't got much in terms of a plan, strategy or goal aside from "punish the monsters." The idea of negotiating with monsters rather than slaying them will never occur to him.

Arthan: human cleric-1; AC: 5 [13] (chainmail and shield); atk: mace (1d6); SA: Turn Undead; MV: 9"; HD 1+1; SV: T1; AL: NG; ML: 9; XP: ?; Str 13 Int 5 Wis 15 Dex 9 Con 15 Cha 11

Gear: chainmail, shield, mace, holy symbol, backpack, holy water, waterskin


A scrappy tomboy whose family moved to Thrommel's Green when she was 12, Bernadette never fit in with the girls of town, and always felt like she had something to prove to the community. Mostly this is in her imagination, because she is thoroughly conceited and a bit paranoid.

This is, as far as she is concerned, a chance to show up the boys who excluded her from sports, and be more important and tlked-about than the girls her age. If she can lose the chip on her shoulder, she might be avery successful adventurer: she's not dumb, just shot-sighted.

Bernadette: human Fighter-1; AC 5 [14] (scale mail); atk: halberd (+1 to hit, 1d10+1); HD 1d10+1 (9 hp); MV: 9"; SV: F1; AL: TN; ML: 8; XP:?; Str 15 Int 9 Wis 9 Dex 11 Con 17 Cha 11

Gear: Scale mail, halberd, club, backpack, 2 waterskins, blanket, shovel, crowbar, 3 large sacks

Thomas Cooper

A surprisingly bright son of two dull-witted parents,  Thomas learned to read and write from Mairi, and eventually learned the rudiments of magic from her. His parents,  however, were uninterested in saving for an education,  or letting him apprentice under Abus, as they wanted him to take up the family trade of barrel-making and beer-tasting. An education beyond what Mairi could teach him would take him away from their shop, and thus cut into their drinking hours.

Using what little he knows to gather gold in the dungeon is his way to get out from under his parents and pay for formal training.

Thomas: human Magic-Ussr-1; AC 9 [10], atk: dart (1d3 -1); SA: spells; HD 1d4 (2 hp); MV: 12"; SV: M1; XP: ?; Str 6 Int 14 Wis 9 Dex 10 Con 11 Cha 12

Thrommel's Green Location G: The Answering Sword

 Named for the legendary sword of the town's founder, The Answering Sword is an inn and public house that serves visitors to Thrommel' Green. When Lhorik was Graf of the town, he invested heavily in ensuring that the inn  could provide space for caravans, esteemed guests, and guild journeymen, which has led to a sprawling layout of rooms that are almost never occupied. The Inn has become a hard to maintain, and it's costs steep.

The innkeeper, Orlan Tapper, and his wife Rita, are desperate to keep long-term guests, and so pamper their guests with cheerful attention, and meals full of complex flavors in hopes of keeping them on for as long as possible.

Food and lodging at The Answering Sword costs 20% more than the standard rate. Additional services like massages and hot baths are offered for a few coppers as well.

The Red Retort is a red ale made by Orlan that is exceptional, and he considers his pride and joy. The mockeries from the Pit of Fever Dreams have recently raided his storehouse for food and drink and made off with several kegs. He is beside himself over the financial loss. If the PCs return his kegs he will make a point of singing their praises throughout the town.

The permanent residents of the inn at the moment include two of the three rival adventuring parties as well as an assortment of potential hirelings or henchmen who either live in or are stopping in Thrommel's Green for a time.

Rita was once a notorious shrew who was more vicious than any bouncer the town could ever have hired. She has mellowed substantially since then, and has become a devout Lansalian. She will find stories of the mockery of her hilarious. In a desperate situation, she might go into the dungeon to help a family member or save the Inn's finances.

Rita (N human Fighter-2): AC: 8 [11] (padded armor); HD: 2+2 (11 hp), Att: club (+1 to hit, 1d6+1); ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 120’ (40’), SV: D13 W14 P13 B15 S16, ML: 9, AL: Neutral, XP: 25; NA 1, TT: -; Str 14 Int 11 Wis 7 Dex 10 Con 13 Cha 9

Mim the Bright

Mim "the Bright" fancies herself a wandering bardess. She roams about from town to town singing for her supper. When her questionable talents fail to provide, she instead picks pockets or burgles promising houses. She is looking for adventures that she can boast about... preferably while taking as few risks as possible.

Mim: (L half-elf Thief-1): AC: 5 [13] (leather armour); HD: 1d6* (3 hp), Att: dagger (-1 to hit, 1d4-1); ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 120’ (40’), SV: D13 W14 P13 B16 S15, ML: 7, AL: Chaotic, XP: 10; NA 1, TT: -; Str 8 Int 12 Wis 7 Dex 16 Con 11 Cha 14

  •  Thievery: CS 87 TR 10 HN 1-2 HS 10 MS 20 OL 15 PP 20      
  • Gear: 3 daggers, short sword, shortbow, 12 arrows, quiver, leather armour, mandolin, tambourine, thieves' tools, backpack, waterskin


A roaming treasure hunter, Eadwaccer comes from a far-off land. He has a partial treasure map that has led him in the direction of Thrommel's Green. The journey, however has been hard. He has lost his armor,  his provisions, and most of his gear. He is making do with rough, improvised weapons. He is now desperate to earn coin to continue his journey, and hopefully find someone to help him interpret what remains of his map. He will ask to be provided with armor as a part of joining the group.

Eadwaccer: (N human Fighter-1): AC: 8 [11] (shield); HD: 1d8+1 (6 hp), Att: club (1d6) or shortbow 1d6; ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 120’ (40’), SV: D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML: 8, AL: Neutral, XP: 15; NA 1, TT: -; Str 11 Int 11 Wis 10 Dex 10 Con 14 Cha 9

  • Gear: Club, shortbow, 8 arrows, quiver, shield, backpack, waterskin, flint 7 steel, 2-man tent, bedroll, blanket, damaged map

Otho Lighthand

A roaming halfling outcast, Otho is a liar and a cheat who uses his deft hands to cheat at dice and cards, slip valuables from the pockets of drunks. He will see scouting and lock-picking jobs in a dungeon as easy money, and look for the ideal opportunity to get more than his fair share.

Otho (C halfling Thief-1): AC: 5 [14] (leather armor); HD: 1* (2 hp), Att: sling (+3 to hit, 1d3); ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 120’ (40’), SV: D13(+2) W14 (+2) P13 B16 S15 (+2), ML: 6, AL: Chaotic; XP: 13; NA 1, TT: -; Str 10 Int 13 Wis 12 Dex 16 Con 9 Cha 12  

  • Halfling Traits: +2 to missile attacks, saving throw bonuses, +2 to AC on attacks from Large creatures.
  • Thievery: CS 87 TR 10 HN 1-2 HS 10 MS 20 OL 15 PP 20
  • Gear: Leather armor, 2 loaded dice, marked cards, regular playing cards, 10 dice, 2 wooden cups, sling, bag of stones, hooded lantern, flint & steel, 10 candles, caltrops,  pouch, small but vicious dog.

Ryla Redhammer

A cultist of the obscure cannibal God Mormo. Ryla is a large frightening woman. Who specializes in cooking almost anything into a delicious meal, she is a true connoisseur of monster flesh, although she considers halflings the best meat. She manages to keep her generally psychotic disposition under a sweet, matronly demeanour.  She is happiest when keeping a tidy, comfortable camp and cooking a delicious meal for fellows... especially when she can make it out of a fallenfoe.

Ryla: (C human Cleric-1): AC: 5 [14] (chainmail); HD: 1d6* (5 hp), Att: warhammer (+1 to hit,1d8+1) or sling (1d3); ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 90’ (30’), SV: D11 W12 P14 B15 S16, ML: 9, AL: Chaotic, XP: 19; NA 1, TT: -; Str 13 Int 9 Wis 15 Dex 11 Con 10 Cha 7  

  • Command Undead
  • Gear: chainmal, warhammer, sling, pouch of stones ×20, unholy symbol, backpack,  cooking kit, cleaver, flint & steel, hatchet, bedroll, 7 days rations

Rurin Hardhands

Ruin Hardhands is one of the Diggers, a cult that is growing in popularity with Dwarves in several nearby strongholds,  and is now spreading into human lands. It holds that sentient humanoids are constantly tempted to indolence and laziness, which wastes their potential and offends the Creator.  Hard work is the route to salvation. Rurin is hoping to gather more to his cause by setting a great example by doing as much to help others as he can manage. Joining a party to fight off monsters and retrieve stolen goods is an ideal opportunity to earn converts. He will preach incessantly, in hopes the PCs would convert.

Rurin: (L Dwarf Cleric-1): AC: 4 [15] (chainmail & shield); HD: 1d6* (6 hp), Att: mace (1d8) or sling (1d3); ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 90’ (30’), SV: D11 W12 P14 B15 S16, ML: 9, AL: Lawful, XP: 19; NA 1, TT: -; Str 11 Int 9 Wis 15 Dex 10 Con 12 Cha 9

  • Turn Undead
  • Gear: chainmal, shield, mace, holy symbol, backpack, waterskin, 7 days of rations, bedroll, blanket,  beacon lantern, 4 flasks of oil, flint & steel, tinker's tools, shovel, iron spikes, hammer.


Caleb is a recently-graduated apprentice of Mordechai the Enigma, Caleb has made many journeys down to Threommel's green to fetch scrolls and potions for his master, and has a good rapport with Abus. He came here seeking advice or work at the Hatted tower. Abus, for his part, has been hesitant to tell Caleb too much, because he can tell that Caleb is delaying the end of his apprentice days. He has urged Caleb to seek out the mystery of the mockeries and the strange new dungeon. A party that takes Caleb on and treats him well will be at a +1 reaction roll from Abus, and get a 5% discount on his services.

Caleb: (N human Magic-User-1): AC: 9 [11]; HD: 1d4* (2 hp), Att:staff (1d5); ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 120’ (40’), SV: D13 W14 P13 B15 S16, ML: 7, AL: Neutral, XP: 6; NA 1, TT: -; Str 12 Int 16 Wis 13 Dex 11 Con 11 Cha 9

  • Spells: light
  • Spellbook: light, read magic, shocking grasp, protection from  evil
  • Gear: quarterstaff, scroll case, 4 sheets of paper, pouch, ink, quill, quill knife, chalk, 1lb. soap, backpack,  spellbook, hooded lantern, 6 flasks of oil, belt pouch, 12 candles, caltrops,  2-man tent, 7 days rations, 2 waterskins, bedroll, blanket 

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Thrommel's Green Location B: The Common

 This beautiful park consists of one and a half acres of land in the heart of the village. It includes a public well, and a few small allotments for gardening the trade spoke who do not have farmland at their own. During the day, people often pick me from this spot, or do a little gardening in the late afternoon.

A particular corner of the commons up against the keeps walls are concealed by a number of thick gardenia bushes and covered by an old oak tree planted in memory of an adventure r who was born in the town and died 60 years previously. It is a popular place for amorous teenagers and adulterous adults to tryst.

During the day the town's Beadle (see the Church) often hangs about this area to offer news and ensure the good conduct of the citizens. Mairi, the wife of the captain of the guard (see A: the Keep) teaches the village children basic literacy and numeracy here on sunny days. In the evening one of the Men-at-arms is found here, and another patrols the streets. The Beadle is known to wander through at odd hours trying to catch bad conduct.

Thrommel's Green Location F: The Smithy

The town's Smithy is a little outdated in terms of its equipment and the techniques used. It's resident blacksmith is a handsome and friendly middle-aged man named Haley Smythe. He was Rivia's first lover and might know something about her. Otherwise, he is perfectly capable of repairing damage equipment.

The locals rarely have much call for arms and armor, but there are a handful of short swords, and shields for sale, and an old suit of plate mail in one corner that was brought in by an adventurer years ago for repair, but the owner died before returning for it. It is for sale.

Haley Smyth (L human fighter-4): AC: 7 [12] (leather armor); HD: 4+4* (20hp), Att: hammer (+1 to hit, 1d6+1), ThAC0:17 [+2], MV: 120’ (40’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14, ML: 7, AL: Lawful, XP: 50; NA 1, TT: -; Str 16 Int 11 Wis 11 Dex 12 Con 14 Cha 13

An idealized and younger clone of Haley based on Rivia's memory of him can be found in the Pit of Fever Dreams. Bringing him back to town will be a bit of a confusing time for the real Haley and his family, but he will happily arm his clone with the best gear available.

The real Haley married Rivia's cousin Marnie, who spends much of her day working in the allotment in front of the smithy or baking meat pies and home-brewing beer in the shack behind it.

The local craftsmen hang out in the smithy to chat and gossip at lunchtime, and pay for their food and drink there rather than at the Answering Sword.

Haley's son, Armin, is currently a journeyman smith and often sends letters with news from abroad. Between what the letters say and the gossiping of the craftsmen, PCs can get more rumors here than at the Answering Sword for the price of beer and a meat pie.

Thrommel's Green Location E: The Manor

 This large estate is the current home of Graf Helm of Thrommel's Green. The previous Graf, Lord Lhorik, lives in a small cottage off of the garden, where he spends the days where he is well enough to be outside.

Under the Lhorik's rule, the town was constantly courting trade guilds and foreign merchants in hopes of creating an economy built primarily on trade, road taxes, and warehousing. These never panned out as well as the town would have liked. The Graf was quite good at schmoozing, but a poor leader in terms of economics, and totally uninterested in his role as the protector of the town.

Lhorik's daughter died young, and left Lhorik without and heir. He passed the land down to his captain of the guard and most trusted retainer, Sir Helm.

Graf Helm (L human fighter-7): AC: 1 [18] (+1 plate and shield); HD: 7+14 (51hp), Att: magic sword (+2 to hit, 1d8+2), ThAC0:14 [+5], MV: 60’ (20’), SV D8 W9 P10 B10 S12, ML: 10, AL: Lawful, XP: 400; NA 1, TT: -; Str 15 Int 9 Wis 10 Dex 10 Con 16 Cha 13

  •  Gear: +1 plate (grants infravision 120'), shield, +1 longsword (grants resistance to fire), heavy crossbow, bolt case, 19 bolts, horn, signet ring, silver circlet (100gp), 

Graf Helm is a jocular, cheerful, and loves games of cards and chance. He is quick to try to draw talented warriors into his service, offering them station and jobs to keep them in his charge. He works hard to elevate his men, giving accolades, knighthood, and land over time as rewards for service.

He doesn't like magic, and is quick to get Abus (see the Hatted Tower) to interview and assess magicians in town for potential threat. 

Under Graf Helm, the town has moved in a more traditional direction, with many of the men-at-arms being elevated to knightly status whenever possible. The town has seen a boom in old fashioned tournaments and archery contests. However, trade and industry has waiting under sir helm, and the town simply hasn't grown in a few generations.

In an emergency, the Graf can put out a call to arms and 2d4+1 landed knights (called "Knights of the Green") will come to the town's aid within 1d3 hours, all of them locals who were trained by Helm

Knight of the Green (L human fighter-3): AC: 2 [17] (plate and shield); HD: 3+3* (17hp), Att: longsword (+1 to hit, 1d8+1), ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 60’ (20’), SV D13 W14 P13 B15 S16, ML: 9, AL: Lawful, XP: 50; NA 1, TT: L,Q,S,T; Str 15 Int 10 Wis 11 Dex 9 Con 15 Cha 12

  • Gear: plate mail, shield, longsword, longbow, 20 arrows, quiver, horn, light warhorse, military saddle, chain boarding, saddle blanket

The interior of the manor is lavish, and feels like a museum too the various trade endeavours of Lhorik. It is also brimming with trophies from both the old graphs hunts and Graf Helm's monster slaying expeditions.

Thrommel's Green Location D: The Hatted Tower

This stout tower was built by a magician friend of the towns founder 150 years ago. It includes a library, alchemical laboratory, a small dungeon for keeping interesting monsters locked up to study, and an observatory, as well as the living quarters for the town's resident wizard

It is called The hatted tower because the rooftop was made of tarred paper and canvas on a mechanical frame meant to allow the rooftop to fold down for the observation of the Stars. However, the design was deeply flawed and after a few high winds and hailstorms, the tower has come to look like it is wearing a crooked old steeple crowned hat.

The windows and doors of the tower are Wizard Locked to Abus and Mairi. The first floor is permanently protected by an alarm spell. The interior is lit with hooded lanterns imbued with continual light.

The current master of the tower, Abus, was little more than an apprentice when the aging elf who had once kept and taught at the tower died. He is partially self-taught from what she left behind.

Over the years Abus has defended the town enough to reach a modicum of power, and uses his magical abilities primarily to help people find lost objects, mend severely damaged possessions, and settles community disputes. 

Abus (N human magic-User-7): AC: 9 [10]; HD: 7d4* (17hp), Att: staff (1d6), ThAC0:17 [+2], MV: 120’ (40’), SV D11 W12 P11 B14 S12, ML: 7, AL: Neutral, XP: 850; NA 1, TT: -; Str 9 Int 16 Wis 10 Dex 11 Con 12 Cha 12

  • Spells: Detect Magic, Enlarge, Floating Disc, Identify, Light, Sleep, Read Magic, Unseen Servant, ESP, Invisibility, See Invisible, Lightning Bolt, Slow, Polymorph Self
  • Spell book: Alarm, Detect Magic, Identify, Read Magic, Unseen Servant, Continual Light, ESP, Invisibility, See Invisible, Wizard Lock, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Slow, Water Breathing, Polymorph Self, Polymorph Other, Wall if Ice
  • Gear: Lantern with continual light, Cloak of ElvenkindScroll of Sleep, Scroll if Lightning Bolt ×2, Scroll of Polymorph Other, Dagger, Pearls ×5 (100gp ea.)

Abus collects maps and travelogues, and makes his own parchment ink, and bound books, he always has a supply of parchment, ink, chalk, charcoal, and quills for sale. He will buy maps of the dungeon at a value of 3gp per room depicted.

He also collects odd and interesting lanterns to imbue with continual light. He might part with one with one for 700 gp.

Abus' is far more talented at brewing potions than casting spells. He sells potions and scrolls to richer, more talented magicians far a field. Had any given time, there is around 7,000 gold pieces in liquid coin and small gems in his home, and 1f6 potions and 1d4 scrolls from the table below.

Abus' Potions (1d6)

  1. Healing
  2. Jumping
  3. Heroism
  4. Hill Giant Strength
  5. ESP
  6. Fire Resistance 

Abus' Scrolls (1d100)

01-06. Alarm (50 gp)

07-12. Detect Magic (50 gp)

13-18. Enlarge (50 gp)

19-24. Floating Disc (50 gp)

25-32. Light (50 gp)

33-36. Sleep (100 gp)

37-42. Unseen Servant (50 gp)

43-46. Continual Light (300 gp)

47-50. ESP (300 gp)

51-54 Invisibility (600 gp)

55-58. Knock (300 gp)

59-62. See Invisible (300 gp)

63-66. Wizard Lock (300 gp)

67-70. Haste (750 gp)

71-73 Lightning Bolt (1,500 gp)

74-77. Slow (750 gp)

78-81. Water Breathing (750 gp)

82-84. Polymorph Self (1,400 gp)

85-86. Polymorph Other (2,800 gp)

87-88. Wall of Ice (1,400 gp)

89-92. Protection from Normal Weapons (1,000 gp)

91-95. Protection from Cold (375 gp)

96-99. Protection from Fire (375 gp)

00. Treasure Map (5d20 gp)

Refresh his stock with 1d3-1 scrolls and 1d3-1 potions each week 

Abus had studied the same time Rivia did, and can tell a little bit about her early adventures, but didn't keep in touch with her after she went further a field.

Thrommel's Green Location C: The Prince's Monument

Built-in memory of the great adventuring hero who established the town, the, statue and monument sits at the edge of the village Green. It depicts a handsome man in armor with a weary look about his face leaning on a scabbarded sword and holding a bouquet of flowers.

His legendary magic sword is sealed inside in a small catacomb beneath the monument. It is guarded by a powerful wizard lock, several magical traps, and an elemental Guardian. There was once a secret password to open it, but it died with the elf who once managed the hatted tower.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Thrommel's Green Location A: The Keep

 Built by the towns founder 150 years ago, this small, squat keep, has room for it's lord and his family, 24 men-at-arms, and the bare minimum servants necessary to keep it maintained.

The keep is no longer used as the residence for the town's Graf. Instead, it is set as an emergency shelter for the villagers in times of need. A group of eight men-at-arms currently reside there under the leadership of the town's captain, Randolph, who is the nephew and heir-apparent of the Graf.

Randolph is a straightforward man who doesn't mince words and believes in direct, brutal honesty. He doesn't trust adventurers, but he knows that they have been critical to the welfare of the village, and so he will develop a wait-and-see approach to evaluating their behaviour. If they defend villagers from danger, spend gold liberally, and show good manners, he will give his men orders to ignore the, for the most part. If they are troublemakers, he will threaten them and put them in the stocks the moment the beadle reports trouble-making.

Captain Randolph (L human fighter-3): AC: 2 [17] (plate and shield); HD: 3+3* (17hp), Att: magic sword (+3 to hit, 1d8+3), ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 60’ (20’), SV D13 W14 P13 B15 S16, ML: 10, AL: Lawful, XP: 50; NA 1, TT: -; Str 16 Int 11 Wis 12 Dex 10 Con 15 Cha 14

  • Equipment: plate armor, shield, +1 longsword (grants infravision to 120'), longbow, signet ring, horn, belt pouch, 44gp, 12sp, 38cp
Men-At-Arms (8): AC: 4 [7] (chainmail & shield); HD: 2d4+1, Att: spear (1d6), ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML: 10, AL: Lawful, XP: 15; NA (2d6), TT: -

The keep is also home to a currier, a stable boy, a steward, a scullion, a cook, and a porter who are all Level-0 normal men.

The upper floor to the keep is home to Mairi, Randolph's wife, and a former apprentice of Abus (see the Hatted Tower), and their daughters, Jutta (age 9) and Inge (age 6)

Mairi is cheerful, bubbly, and spends as much time as she can hanging out with the goodwives of the village. She teaches the local children to read and do arithmetic on the green three days a week (weather permitting) with a bag of candied apples as a reward to good learners. Magic-using PCs who have helped the loacals will be invited to have tea with her after the lesson, and if she is satisfied that they are well-meaning, she may share a spell from her spellbook with them, and recommend them to Abus (worth a +1 to his reaction rolls)

Anyone who harms a child in the village on the other hand, will be the subject of her "emergency measures:" a scroll that includes magic circle against evil, lesser planar binding, protection from evil, and banishment: she will happily dispatch a powerful planar being to slay people who hurt children. This scroll is kept in a sealed case with a password-locked wizard lock ("schewinhund"), and exploding runes inscribed on the bottom of the cap. The case is hidden under her and Randolph's bed.

Mairi (L human Magic-User-2): AC: 7 [12] (bracers of defence +1); HD: 2d4* (5 hp), Att: dagger (1d4); ThAC0:19 [+0], MV: 120’ (40’), SV: D13 W14 P13 B15 S16, ML: 8, AL: Lawful, XP: 25; NA 1, TT: -; Str 7 Int 17 Wis 9 Dex 15 Con 11 Cha 12

  • Spells: sleep, unseen servant
  • Mairi's spellbook: Level-1: detect magic, floating disc, read magic, sleep, unseen servant, write
  • Equipment: bracers of armor +1, scroll of sleep, dagger, signet ring, turquoise necklace (50 gp), azure earrings (25gp ea.), silver-chased belt (200gp), velvet purse, slate, chalk, horn, 30gp, 17sp, 41cp

 Finally, the Keep is home to a dwarven smith, Rollo Amplesweat, who maintians the gear of the local men-at-arms. He will not do business with anyone outside the town guard unless Randolph okays it (which is a reward for extreme heroism).

Rollo is a workaholic in the extreme, part of a dwarven cult called The Diggers who believe in salvation through hard work. He also posses the secret to making +1 magic weapons and armor, but will not do so unless the person requesting it is willing to spend at least 4,500gp for his services and wait a week for the creation. Any item he makes grants the bearer infravision out to 120', a dwarf's ability to sense strange stonework, resistance to fire, or the ability to get a full night's sleep in just 2 hours (roll randomly to determine which)

Rollo Amplesweat: dwarf Cleric-5; AC 5; Atk: magic warhammer (+2 to hit, 1d8+3); SA: fire resistance, Spells; HD 5d8+5 (32hp); MV: 9"; SV: C5; ML 11; AL: LN; XP: ?; Str 17 Int 9 Dex 15 Wis 16  Con 15 Cha 7

Rollo Amplesweat (L dwarf Cleric-5): AC: 5 [14] (+1 studded leather); HD: 5d8+5** (32 hp), Att: magic warhammer (+2 to hit, 1d8+3); ThAC0:17 [+2], MV: 120’ (40’), SV: D 9 W10 P12 B14 S12, ML: 11, AL: Lawful, XP: 575; NA 1, TT: -; Str 17 Int 9 Wis 9 Dex 15 Con 15 Cha 7

  • Spells: cure light wounds, shield of faith, bless, resist fire
  • Turn Undead
  • Gear: +1 studded leather (protection from fire), +1 warhammer, holy symbol

Note to Self

 Redid everything to match the conventions of OSE-A