Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Room 21: Deep Structures

 This room has a section of the floor in checker-board tiles. A statue of a beautiful woman stands in the centre sitting in a chair and looking haggard as a statue of an older woman sands by with a washcloth, and brandy bottle tucker over one arm, and a bowl in the other. Other statues of men, women, and even a devil line the walls, some of them broken and crumbling. The whole room is overgrown with dense creepers and moss, and smells of wet decaying plant matter so strongly it overwhelms the stench of the hall to the South.

PCs who have encountered Rivia's real family in Thrommel's green or the Mock-Mother in Area 8 will recognize the older woman as being a younger (and perfectly human) version of that person. They will recognize Rivia's face if they have visited Area 19)

These statues animate to mime the things Rivia is thinking of or wanting. When the PCs first visit, and generally so long as she is in her sick-bed, all she wants is her mother to take care of her, and that focus has caused statues representing other desires, wants, and people have fallen into decay.

The vines will writhe, rattle, and respond to the PCs, but generally are not a threat (although you can make them paranoid.)

If the PCs have done serious damage or tampered with the Angry or Frightened masks, there is a 2-in-6 chance that three of the statues (her mother, father, and a former adventuring companion) will animate and bar the PCs away as Living Statues.

Marble Livng Statues (3): AC: 2 [17], HD: 4+4, Att: 2x fists (1d8+1); ThAC0: 15 [+4]; MV 60’ (20’), SV: D 10 W 11 P12 B 13 S 14; ML 12; AL Lawful; XP 400, NA 1d3, TT: -  

  • Half damage from fire, cold, or electricity, and 1/4 damage from edged weapons.
  • It is instantly destroyed by stone shape, dig, stone to flesh, or transmute rock to mud spells without saving throw,

Living Statues are immune to ranged attacks, take half damage from fire, cold, or electricity, and 1/4 damage from edged weapons. It is instantly destroyed by stone shape, dig, stone to flesh, or transmute rock to mud spells without saving throw,

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Room 20: The Midden

 The deep floor here is pooled with foul sludge thick with the scent of waste and blood. In the centre there is a heap of decaying flesh, bone, and rotting plant matter. A stone step leads down into the muck. The walls here are caked in fungus that almost totally obscures frescoes of feminine faces with unpleasant expressions, ringed by runes, that cover the walls and ceilings.

This is a room that represents the things Rivia wants to say, but knows better than to actually escape. The myriad frescoes of her face are ringed with  phrases like: "Well, you are disappointingly small," "I've seen harlots in the exact same outfit in the city," "No wonder father spends all day in the shed... he's out of earshot of you," and "Once I was trapped in a dungeon and forced to eat moss and fungus for days... and it tasted better than this stew"

Actually wading into the sludge the covers all but the first 10' x 5' square of the entrance requires a Save vs. Poison each round, of exposure or the character will contract a disease that will leave them bedridden for 1d4 weeks, after which they must make a second save or die.

Any carcass or corpse left in the dungeon will be collected by The Gongfarmer (See Area 19) and tossed onto the pile here the next morning, with their gear and treasure donated to the Smithy and Cathedral, respectively.

If the PCs fish around in the midden long enough they can find:

  • 336 cp
  • 1,320 ep
  • 648 gp

but finding it will take an hour and require a Save vs. Death at -2 or become diseased.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Room 19: The Gallery of Affect

 A dozen stone masks line the far wall of this elongated room, each showing the same attractive female face in a different mood. From left to right they are: calm, happy, sad, angry, weary, curious, wary, flirtatious, determined, frightened, disgusted, and smug. There is a small vanity in the left-hand corner.

This room is the nest of a carcass crawler. The creature rests on the ceiling here, and forages for food in the Midden across the hall.

Carcass Crawler (1): AC 7 [12], HD 3+1* (14hp), Att 8 × tentacle (paralysis), THAC0 16 [+3], MV
120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 9, AL Neutral, XP 75, NA 1d3 (1d3), TT 

  • Paralysis: A hit by a tentacle causes paralysis for 2d4 turns (save versus paralysis). Paralysed victims will be devoured, if the crawler is left in peace.
  • Cling: Can walk on walls and ceilings.

The Masks

The Gallery of Affect is a chamber that reflects the moods that Rivia cultivates and expresses most often. They are the literal masks that she wears. If someone touches one of the masks, it fills the whole dungeon with a vibration that spreads that mood, either for 24 hours, until the mask is removed from the wall, or another mask is touched.

If a PC puts on the mask, it immediately creates a change self effect that makes them appear to be Rivia, but with their face and tone of voice stuck matching the mood of the mask. They also constantly fill the wearers thoughts with feelings appropriate to that mask, usually with some benefits or drawbacks. The mask will fuse with the PCs face and not come off for 24 hours.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Room 18: The Branching Corridor

 This corridor reeks of blood and waste, and has occasional splatters of filth along the floor. Where it turns at a right angle to go North, there is a door on the South wall that is smeared with filth. The stench from the Northern arm of the corridor is almost overwhelming, especially near the archway on the West wall.

The door on the Southern corridor is a False Door, if PCs open it, they will find themselves looking out on the Astral Plane.  Sometimes things Rivia imagines in and out of existence enter and exit reality through these doors.

This door is where the Gongfarmer manifests with his goat cart and stinky goat minion.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Room 17: The Cathedral

The ornate door opens into a bright chamber lit by dozens of candles, To your right is a holy water font, to your left is a marble altar with a pair of golden reliquaries accompanied by lit tapers. Windows along the walls and silk banners seem to tell the tale of a lion-like entity punishing evildoers and arming heroes.

Beyond several rows of pews is a large altar with tapers and a golden cup before a marble starue of a lion. A massive stone arm erupts from the tiled floor and reaches tp the ceiling.

 Dedicated to Lansal, the Judging Angel, a deity of heroism, salvation, and courage the Cathedral imitates part of the temple in Thrommel's Green.  The imagery is jumbled, however,  and includes scenes and characters from Rivia's adventures. 

The stone hand, like the ones in the entrance hall is a manifestation of Rivia's reaching for help. It radiates an air of sorrow. The Beadle (Area 9) has taken to using it as a whipping post.

The Cathedral is attended by a mockery of the old priest who attended the temple when Rivia was there. He was overly fond of drink and listening to lascivious confessions,  but his biggest fault was a love of creature comforts purchased with the fines that he, the Beadle, and a local burgomaster would collect at any excuse.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Role-Playing the Mock Graf

 The Mock Graf is no more powerful than the average mockery, but the others bow and scrape to him as if he were their legitimate liege. He provides them no protection or benefits, and prefers instead to spend his days drinking and playing cards with his guests... which precisely matches Rivia's memories of Graf Lhorik of Thrommel's Green.

The real Lhorik was a lazy man who had grown up pampered with his family's fortune. Like many of the nobilityof his generation, he didn't really believe in knightly duty or noblesse oblige. He outsourced protecting the people to a trio of knights and armsmen that he paid well, and trained hard so that he would not have to. I spent much of his life idle. When he was not idle, he was networking and hobnobbing to ensure that he could stay rich by selling the surpluses of his land high, and attract guild business to his larger holdings.

Lhorik was neither a net gain or net loss for his people by the end of his reign a few years ago. Nobody did particularly well under his watch, but nobody did poorly, either. There was always food, always work, and thanks to the zeal and training of his men, there was little trouble with bandits or monsters. The real Lhorik has been retired, and these days is nearly bedridden with gout, deaf, and spends his days blisfully reading in a small garden when he bothers to get out of bed.

The mockery in his image takes the laziness, idleness, self-importance, and schmoozing Rivia remembers from her few times spent at the Graf's house and adds in stupidity, bad temper, and incompetence to the mix.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Room 16: The Graf's Parlor

 This dark, mahogany-panelled room is decorated with plush carpets. The left-hand wall has the heads of wild boars lined up along it, and potted fruit trees below them give a lovely aroma. The entryway is guarded by two suits of platemail on stands. A large water-clock next to a glass-paned bookshelf, and a comfortable armchair take up a nook in the right. At the center an octagonal table is laid out with fine china, a silver tea service, and a buffet of dainties.

A copy of the sitting room of the Graf's manor in Thrommel's Green, this chamber is occupied by a rotating cast of mockeries of most of the nobles of the region, and some from more far off. During the day, these figures sip tea, play cards, repeat old gossip, and get pleasant inebriated on brandy. At any given time there are mockeries of the Graf, his wife, their eldest son, and 1d4 guests.

Mockeries (1d4+3): AC: 4 [15], HD: 3, Att: club (1d6) and bite (1d4); ThAC0: 17 [+2]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 7; AL Chaotic; XP 35, NA 2d4 (1d4 x 10), TT: PQ

Clever PCs might be able to interrogate the guests to learn anything Rivia knew about the heritage, politics, and dirty secrets that Rivia knows about the noble they are mocking.

Unlike the rest of the mockeries, who are facing a food shortage, a mockery of the squire's butler will materialize periodically from one of the two false doors and replace the empty brandy bottle with a full one and refresh the supply of pastries. However, they never have food that is nutritious of particularly filling from this fare.

If the PCs knock on the door the butler will manifest and ask to introduce them, which will grant the PCs a +1 on reaction rolls with the Mock-Graf.

The Mock-Graf has a lot of ambitions and goals, see the section on Role-Playing the Mock-Graf.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Room 15: the Taproom

 The stone floors again become wood as you enter an inn taproom... or what's left of one: most of the tables and chairs are broken, the walls sloshed with ale, and shattered crockery is scattered everywhere along with dented tankards and broken bottles. A massive chandelier, having fallen from the roof, sits in the middle of the floor. A puncheon of beer stolen from the local inn sits off to your right. In the far left corner there is a bar that sits mostly undamaged, with an untouched wine cabinet beneath it.

This is a copy of the taproom of The Answering Sword, the inn at Thrommel's Green, but nearly completely demolished.

The doors on walls other than the entrance are false doors that open onto the void of the Astral Plane - as this is where Rivia's memory of them ends.

A throng of a dozen mockeries play dice and drink the last of their stolen ale. Many resemble of the loggers and miners who occasionally trade at Thrommel's Green, although there is a 1 in 20 chance that a mockery will resemble an out-of-towner the PCs recognize, such as a merchant or political figure. They are soused and surly, PCs will meet with a -2 to reaction rolls here, unless they have killed Grandfather, at which point the crowd will be immediately friendly. 

In the evening, brawls inevitably start, and then spill out onto the Common.

Mockeries (12): AC: 4 [15], HD: 3, Att: club (1d6) and bite (1d4); ThAC0: 17 [+2]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 7; AL Chaotic; XP 35, NA 2d4 (1d4 x 10), TT: PQ

So long as Rivia remains in her sick bed, there is a 1-in-6 chance that the false door on the North wall will spill open and 3d4 new Mockeries will tumble in resembling people Rivia has met in her travels, They will be hungry, thirsty, and ill-tempered.

The tavern is watched over by The Barman, a mockery that flashes from friendly and smiling to furious rapidly if insulted. He wears leather armor and has a heavy crossbow and an axe he will fetch from behind the bar if fighting breaks out, and will not hesitate to inflict grievous harm on Mockery or PC alike if his dander is up.

The Barman: AC: 3 [16], HD: 3 (18 hp), Att: battleaxe (1d8) and bite (1d4); ThAC0: 17 [+2]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 7; AL Chaotic; XP 35, NA1, TT: PQ

The Barman is willing to buy any alcoholic beverages or food that the PCs care to offer him at the full market price, and will offer intelligence on the Dungeon to sweeten the deal.

Any actual blood shed will begin a timer for 1d4 rounds. After that there is 1 round where the PCs can hear thundering footsteps as if from a stairwell, mixed with growling, heavy breathing, and cursing in a distorted inhuman voice. Automatically roll morale for the Mockeries as they begin warning each other that the Barman's wife is coming. 

Shortly thereafter, a terrifying, ogre-sized mockery will erupt from the false door behind the bar wielding an enchanted rolling pin, and will begin cracking heads of anyone still fighting while hurling profanities and insults.

The Barman's Wife (1): AC: 4 [15], HD: 5+1, Att: 2x rolling pin (+1 to hit, 1d6+1 and stun) and vorpal bite (1d6); ThAC0: 14 [+5]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 10 W 11 P12 B 13 S 15; ML 10; AL Chaotic; XP 400, NA 1, TT: -

On a natural 20 on a bite attack, a target must save vs. Death or have their head bitten off.

The Barman's Wife's Rolling Pin: is treated as a +1 mace, and when hit, a target must Save vs. Dragon Breath or be stunned and unable to act for one round.

The Barman and his Wife resemble slightly younger versions of Malthus and Tamra, the publican and his wife in Thrommel's Green. In her younger years, Tamra had quite a reputation as a loud-mouthed shrew, although she has spent many years working on herself. Hearing about this mockery will make her laugh and earn the PCs a rundlet of the Answering Sword's finest ale.

Aside from the Barman's Wife's Rolling Pin, there is a box of lost and confiscated trinkets under the bar that has:

  • 27 pieces of cheap jewellery (10gp value each)
  • a bag of marbles
  • a glass eye
  • a potion of gaseous form 
  • a strongbox holding 312 gp, 2,800sp, 712cp.

PCs scavenging around the wreckage of the ruined tables will be able to find:

  • a pair of loaded dice
  • a lost dagger
  • 39cp
  • as well as a dozen dented tankards.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Room 14: The High-Traffic hallway

 This stone corridor is lit by a torch on a sconce in the East wall; The floor his is heavily scuffed and stained with blood and muddy footprints coming and going from the various doors.

This corridor is the main path by which the Mockeries in areas 15, 16, 17 all access the Common (area 9), and from there, the exit to the dungeon.

Like many areas, the light source here will not be consumed, and will re-light itself until it is removed from its sconce.

Room 13: The Farmstead

A wooden floor covered in threadbare rugs traps the heat from a blazing fire in the hearth of the far wall. In the far left corner, a double bed is partially concealed by heavy woolen curtains, while a pair of hammocks sit in the left corner next to a wood pile. A nearly empty pantry shelf, disused spinning wheel, and rusty farm implements are scattered about the room. A table in the middle has a plate with a steaming, unappetizing stew.

This house is an amalgam of the one-room cottages and parlours of several of the farmhouses. The mockeries living here are younger versions of several of the retirees around Thrommel's Green and child-like versions of their now-adult children. (Mockeries have the same stats even as children, they are born strong and vicious.)

There is little here of value, and the Mockeries have eaten nearly everything that appeared in the pantry when the farmhouse manifested. These Mockeries have led the charge to raid the village for more supplies, as they are expected to  feed the higher-ranking mockeries in Areas 16, and 17.

Mockeries (4): AC: 4 [15], HD: 3, Att: club (1d6) and bite (1d4); ThAC0: 17 [+2]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 7; AL Chaotic; XP 35, NA 2d4 (1d4 x 10), TT: PQ

The stew here has been made with a mix of horse and human flesh, and will make a human or demihuman who eats it violently ill unless they Save vs. Poison, leaving them unable to cast spells, moving at half speed, and at a -2 penalty to ability checks, saving throws, and attack rolls for 1d4 turns.

These mockeries fear Grandfather in Area 12, and will pay 60sp for the PCs to rough him up and steal his meat.

That 60sp is otherwise hidden inside a compartment on the bottom of the spinning wheel.

If attacked, or if they attack the PCs and then fail a morale check, they may scream for help, summoning the Mockeries from Areas 14, 15, and 16.

Otherwise this room contains

  • a cord of firewood,
  • a hatchet,
  • a hoe, shovel, and a tilling claw
  • 4 balls of twine,
  • clay bowls, wooden spoons, and pewter forks and knives for 8 settings
  • a loaf of mouldy bread,
  • a cooking pot
  • some chalk
  • 14 candles
  • a tinderbox

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Room 12 Grandfather's Cabin

 This room has log walls, like a cabin. It reeks of blood and soot. Its one table has a blood-soaked chopping block, and crank-powered meat grinder. Chunks of curing meat and links of sausage dangle from the ceiling and hooks on the walls. Trophies of two elk, a boar and black bear on the wall seem to follow you with their eyes. The heat from the pot-bellied stove makes it stuffy. A rickety bed, and lectern with a single book sit in the far corner.

This is a reflection of the home of Rivia's late grandfather, which is now an abandoned ruin at the edge of Thrommel's Green. He was a decent man, but lived by hunting and doing his own tanning and butchery, She occasionally had to spend the night in his home, and it terrified her out of her wits... which amused the old man.

The mockery in his image is a blood-soaked terror that is just as willing to make other mockeries into food as it is the animals in the woods near the dungeon. It has an insatiable appetite, and may consider turning them into sausage and meat pies. The other mockeries are terrified of him and may pay the PCs to kill him.

Mock-Grandfather: AC: 4 [15], HD: 5+5*, Att: cleaver (1d8) and bite (1d8); ThAC0: 14 [+5]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 10 W 11 P12 B 13 S 14; ML 7; AL Chaotic; XP 300, NA 1, TT: P,Q

In his lair, Grandfather  can animate the trophies on the wall which can snake from their mounts on tentacle-like limbs to bite or gore intruders. They have a 15' reach.

Trophies (4): AC: 7 [12], HD: 2, Att: bite or gore (1d6); ThAC0: 18 [+1]; MV 0’ (0’), SV: D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 10; AL Chaotic; XP 20, NA 4, TT: -

If engaged in his home, he will hurl a pot of blood on the floor, which will act as a grease spell, to make the terrain in a 10' within the door treacherous,  then try to lure PCs into reach of the Trophies.

A trunk by the foot of Grandfather' bed holds 180gp 290ep, 365sp, 50cp, a small bronze idol worth 130gp, and an azurite worth 96gp.

The sausages, jerky, and glazed hocks here constitute enough food for 21 days of standard rations, and 15 days of iron rations. 

Friday, January 12, 2024

Room 11: The Smithy

A board-walled smithy sides on to the strange indoor commons, and even has windows looking over the vegetable garden. A warm forge, anvil, grindstone, and quenching bucket are opposite the wide log-framed archway. A work bench has a dine miner's helmet, a couple of sickles, a small box of hardware and some tools immediately to the left across from a coal bin and a bench. To the right is a frame for shoeing horses with a young man in battered trousers chained up in it. A suit of plate mail stands in the corner beyond him.

 This is a nearly-perfect copy of the smithy found in Thrommel's Green's.

Inside the PCs can find:

  • Smithing tools: anvil, smithing hammer, several small hammers, tongs, calipers, a post mallet, and a large bucket.
  • A miner's helmet with built-in lantern
  • 2 sickles
  • 3 daggers
  • 48 iron spikes
  • 60lbs of coal
  • 144 iron ingots
  • 28 lead ingots
  • 16 steel ingots
  • 22 brass ingots
  • a sack of quicklime
  • a bag of iron filings
  • 4 sets of horseshoes
  • a box of nails, hinges, latches, bolts, and hooks made of iron 
  • a bag of caltrops
  • Block and tackle
  • a saddle
  • a horse's harness
  • A suit of human-sized plate-mail
  • 2 maces
  • 27gp, 9sp, 16cp
  • 4 tavern puzzles worth 5gp each 
  • casts for knife blades, nails, sling bullets, chain links, door knobs, knockers, arrowheads, and screws
  • 18lbs of wax

A mockery of the village's previous smith (10 years dead, now) lurks here. It makes ammunition for the mockeries during the day, and sleeps all night. He has maximum hit points and +1 to hit and damage.

Mock-Smith (1): AC: 5 [14], HD: 3 (20 hp), Att: club (+1 to hit, 1d6+1) and bite (1d4); ThAC0: 17 [+2]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 7; AL Chaotic; XP 35, NA 1, TT: PQ

The young man is Haley, an idealized clone of Thrommel's Green's current blacksmith as he was as a teen-aged apprentice -- and Rivia's lover. Unlike other people from Rivia's past, who are distorted by bad feelings, her memories of Haley were nothing but positive, and exaggerated by time.

Haley Smythe: fuman fighter-2; AC: 8 [11], HD: 2+2 (15 hp), Att: fist (2); ThAC0: 19 [+0]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 8; AL Lawful; XP 25, NA: 1, TT: -;  Str 15 Int 12 Wis 9 Dex 15 Con 15 Cha 16

The Mockeries could not stand how perfect Haley was in comparison to them. They have chained him up to the horse rack in the smithy, and regularly stop by to mock and torment him.

He will be friendly to the PCs and grateful for the rescue. He can be recruited as a henchman. In any case, he will realize he has no place in the village when he discovers a 49-year-old version of himself that is somewhat more humanly flawed, not to mention married, with children, and the village smith. If he realizes that Rivia is somewhere in the dungeon and needs help he will offer to assist the PCs or form his own party with a separate party of PCs.

In real life, Rivia never returned to the village after her first couple of adventures, and neglected her relationship with Haley. Haley eventually got tired of waiting and married Rivia's cousin Myra, and has made a happy life for himself. Rivia still carries a torch for him, deep down, which is why a superhuman version of him was created as she dreamed of home.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Room 10. The Trysting Spot

 This secluded corner of the strange green room is hidden by snowball plants, ferns, and several fruit-trees bearing oversized lemons forming a ring around a large oak. Its trunk and roots are twisted into strangely suggestive forms, and there is a musk in the air. There is a stone placard at the base of the tree, and a dense patch of mushrooms in the shadiest spot under its boughs. There are a few bits of cloth strewn in the bushes.

This is a fevered image of the most popular spot for trysting among teenagers and adulterers in the real-life version of Thrommel's Green, and Rivia's psychic impression exaggerates it, leaving discarded clothing in the bushes and a musk in the air.

Eating the mushrooms here will give a PC confusing, erotic hallucinations, leaving them helpless for 1d3 turns. Afterwards they will have 5 temporary hit points but be at -2 to Saves vs. Spells for he next 24 hours.

In the real Thrommel's Greenthe placard is dedicated to a local hero in whose memory the tree was planted. In the Pit of Fever Dreams it changes each tme it is read (roll a d8):

1. Nobody ever read it anyway.
2. Hang pants here.
3. You are so beautiful.
4. Shhh! I think my husband is searching the garden.
5. Every village has a spot like this. Most adults pretend they don't know about it.
6. We can repent in the morning.
7. Not so loud.
8. I think I hear the watchman!*

On a roll of 8, a particularly brutal mockery that looks like the Beadle of Thrommel's Green will suddenly be spawned and burst in from the bushes, shouting "Caught you you filthy little beasts!" And attempt to beat the PCs and drag them off to the Shrine (Room 17) to pay a fine and confess their sinful ways.

This beadle has +1 to attack and damage, 3+3 HD, and maximum hit points.

Mock-Beadle: AC: 5 [14], HD: 3+3 (16hp), Att: cudgel (1d6+1) and bite (1d4); ThAC0: 16 [+3]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 7; AL Chaotic; XP 75, NA 1, TT: PQ


Certain Mockeries, such as the Beadle, The Barman's Wife, and Sir Helm appear only under certain conditions: they manifest spontaneously from the undergrowth or one of the dungeon's false doors. If these mockeries die, their bodies will evaporate. They will be able to appear again in the same way as they did before after 24 hours have passed. Once Rivia is out of her sick bed, these mockeries will no longer be able to appear.

Room 9. The Village Green

This chamber has high arched walls reaching up far higher than they should be able to before peering out onto a sky heavy with cloud. The walls to the West are stone, and in places the stone flooring of the dungeon peeks out from under the soil. The walls in places are of different stonework, or, on the east, appear to have a section of plaster, and a section of log coming from the floor to about 10'. There is a well and a lamp post hung with a lantern in the middle, trees, plants, and even a small garden. It looks like a miniature parody of the village green in Thrommel's Green.

The fixed mockeries that live in Rooms 8 and 11-X visit this area frequently. So long as Rivia remains ill, new ones spring out of the ground here, parodies of NPCs from places she has visited. Some will take up residence in the upper floors of the dungeon if the PCs have cleared rooms. Others will wander off into the countryside to take up residence in ruins and caves.

There is a 3-in-6 chance that 2d4 Mockeries are roaming in here during the day.

At night there is a  1-in-6 chance that 2d6 mockeries are cusring, slanging, and brawling between two groups.

Mockeries (2d6): AC: 4 [15], HD: 3, Att: club (1d6) and bite (1d4); ThAC0: 17 [+2]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 7; AL Chaotic; XP 35, NA 2d4 (1d4 x 10), TT: PQ

When mockeries are not found here, 1d3-2 staves, 1d3-1 clubs, 1d3-2 discareded daggers, 1d6 arrows, 1nd 2d4 sling bullets can be found strewn about in the grass from previous mockery brawls. The weapons are in poor repair and deal -1 damage until repaired.

The lanterns hanging from the post near the center, and the one next to the door to Room 11 lights themselves at nightfall and never run out of oil so long as they hang on their hooks. If taken, it becomes a mundane hooded lantern.

The walls here are curved inward and reach 40' high. Thieves are at a -20% penalty to climb them. Anyone climbing through the hole in the ceiling immediately find themselves on a small island of stone floating in the Astral Plane.

The well water here is clean, sweet, and cool.

A community garden in the Northeast corner is full of oversized vegetables that regrow each day.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Room 8: Monsters' Playroom

 This room is full of broken and decayed furniture; a trio of cracked, filthy beds surround a brass coal brazier. Dice, a hideous doll, and an chess set are scattered about a filthy, scorched rug under the sleeping area. A crumbling fireplace in one corner is hung with rusty cooking implements, and a litter of skillets, ladles and wooden spoons. In the far corner, low embers of a cooking fire sit under a steaming cauldron surrounded by bones. It reeks of unwashed bodies, smoke, and congealing stew.

Anyone who visits Rivia's childhood home in the nearby village of Thrommel's Green will recognize this as a twisted parody of their hovel.

The stew in the corner is made of dog meat, root, and fungus. Anyone eating it will be nourished, but must make a Save vs. Poison or also suffer from a contortion of their personality, making them cruel, ill-tempered, and vicious for 24 hours. They must Save vs. Paralysis or fly into a violent rage when insulted or stressed, gaining a +2 to attacks and damage, but they are unable to flee or parlay.

Five mockeries reside here: sharp-toothed and big-headed monstrous parodies of Rivia's own family.

Mockeries (5): AC: 4 [15], HD: 3, Att :club (1d6) and bite (1d4); ThAC0: 17 [+2]; MV 120’ (40’), SV: D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 7; AL Chaotic; XP 35, NA 2d4 (1d4 x 10), TT: PQ

The chess set is carved on obsidian and bone, and is worth 50gp. A battered trunk in the corner contains 2,252sp, 12' of chain, 30' of rope, a needle and thread, and a potion of delusion.

The Mockeries here are terrified of Grandfather (room X) and have spiteful feelings towards the other Mockery groups (room X-Y). If the PCs manage to make friends of the Mockery of Rivia's mother, she will offer them 100sp per head of the Mockeries in room Z.

Room 7: Corridor

 Foul-smelling corriodor, full of grimy footprints.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Room 6: A channel of Tears

 A statue of a beautiful woman weeps tears that tumble down into a channel that flows through the middle of the room.

A water weird lurks in the channel of tears.

Water Weird: AC: 4 [15], HD: 3+3* (16hp), Att: 1 × strike (grab), ThAC0: 16 [+3], MV: 120’ (40’), SV: D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (6), ML: 9, AL: Chaotic, XP: 75, NA: 1d3 (1d3), TT: I

The tears are from Rivia, and can be used as a sample for purposes of spells such as scrying. Drinking them has an effect like Mnemonic Enhancer on magic-users.

At the bottom of the channel there is: 

  • pearl (50)
  • 2 quartzes (10gp)
  • 2 red pearls (100gp ea.)
  • sapphire (500 gp)
  • 7 electrum rings set with turqoise (900 gp ea)

Room 5: The Hidden Truth

 This tiny room has a white marble table along the north wall. a single scroll and several stacks of electrum coins surround a gold-plated skull engraved with arcane symbols.

The skull in the room contains an imprisoned imp, which can be called forth once per  week to perform its contact other plane ability. If asked to perform any other task, the imp will be set free, twist the command to the best of its ability, then return to plague the person who commanded it. The runes on the skull include magical seals that contain the imp and the warning: Endless knowledge, or a single wish. 

The imp knows that this dungeon is created by the mind of Rivia, a mad sorceress who is bending en entire demiplane to her unconscious will. She summoned him once decades ago, and now he suddenly find himself bound by her again.

The scroll is a divine spell scroll of divination

There is a total of 42ep here.

Room 4: The Chamber of Lies

 Odd bookshelves are piled with musty tomes, scrolls, specimen cages with bones or empty carapaces, bottles of reagents, a dwarf's skull, and alchemical tools. Four on the West wall, and five on the East. A writing desk sits on the far wall with an open book, and two pig's heads mounted as trophies above it.

The following items can be collected here:

  • A calligrapher's toolkit including pigments, ink, pens, pen knives, a razor, sand, paint, and glue.
  • 15 rolls of parchment.
  • A scroll of contact other plane
  • A preserved sprite worth 75gp
  • Assorted books on arcane topics; all inaccurate or confusing; they can be treated as 500gp worth of materials for a magical research library, but any spell created using them will be unstable, having a 5% chance with each use of backfiring on the caster.
  • Several heretical texts and apocrypha worth 200gp, but illegal to own, buy, or sell.
  • 45 scholarly works worth 3d6gp each*

The Pig's Heads, if addressed, are intelligent and capable of speaking, but argue, contradict one another, and ramble. They have a base chance of 45% to know the answer to questions about the dungeons, with a cumulative -6% penalty per floor below 1st that they are being asked about. However, if they do know the answer, one will tell the truth and one will lie. If neither know, they will make something up. They will claim to be oracles, but will simply make up answers.

The Fourth bookshelf on the West wall contains a secret door to room 5.

There is a lantern here that is cursed. Any attempt to identify it will claim that it is a lantern of revealing. But there is a 1 in 6 chance once per day of it simply creating a phantasmal force illusion of a lurking monster, hidden door, or strange object that is not really there. It only reveals actual invisible things 50% of the time.

Room 3: Chamber of Self-Doubt

 Five tall silver mirrors stand in frames in this room around a battered oaken table with two silver hand-mirrors in ornate frames, and a single candle in an ornate holder.

The mirrors in this room, if taken to the surface, are mundane, and worth about 150gp each, but weigh 80lbs. each. The hand mirrors are worth 25gp. The ornate candle-holder is worth 5gp.

However, within the room they reflect self-doubt. The mirrors show images of anyone looking into them as weak, cowardly, scheming, sickly, debased, and cruel. If they get too close to the mirror, or touch it, a phantasmal force will leap from the mirror to attack them with a copy of their own weapon.

Room 2: A Cry for Mercy

 All flames in this chamber turn crimson. An iron maiden dominates the far wall from which muffled weeping and screaming can be heard. A book lays on an altar before it, sometimes rustling as the pages turn. A tormented stream of consciousness is magically transcribed:

"Is someone there. Did I see someone come int? Please can you help me? I've gone mad! I'm lost! I need help! Oh, gods it hurts! Come quick! I will try to hold this place in one shape as long as I can..."

This book periodically attunes to the mind of Rivia, the sorceress whose mad dreams have spawned this dungeon.

The iron maiden echoes her pleas.

Opening it will set free a crimson ooze, a liquid red terror that holds the shape of a person (roughly) as it splashes towards them.

Crimson Ooze: AC 6 [13]; Atk: touch (1d6 + corrosion); HD 3+3; ThAC0:16 [+3]; MV: 90' (30'); SV:  D 12 W 13 P14 B 15 S 16; ML 9; Int -; AL: C; XP:100; TT: -

The crimson ooze damages armor and clothes, reducing the AC value of armour touched by 1d3; Once the PC's armour is no longer providing any additional protection, the next hit they take deals an extra 1hp of damage plus an additional 1 hp per round until washed off with water or alcohol. Any time a PC strikes a Crimson Oooze with a weapon, they must Save vs. Death or their weapon is damaged and deals -1 damage on the first failed save, and is destroyed on the second.

Room 1 The Plea For Help

Grasping stone arms push up the ceiling of this ragged stone chamber; torches riveted haphazardly to their wrists, The floor is damp with salty fluid leaking from a giant eye in erupting from the center; it swivels around wildly, 

 Creatures that meet the gaze of this eye must  Save vs. Paralysis or become overwhelmed with flashes of pain, terror, and loss projected into their minds -2 to Attack rolls and Saving throws for 1d4 rounds.

Note to Self

 Redid everything to match the conventions of OSE-A